Leverhulme Network Open Conferences

Monday, June 17, 2019 - 17:00 to Friday, June 21, 2019 - 18:00

Universidade Catolica Portuguesa

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Between 17 and 21 of June, 2019, the Leverhulme Network will be meeting in Lisbon. 

Two conferences will take place, that are open to the general public:

17.06 - 17h00, Room Descobrimentos (Library Building) 

Stuart Ward, Professor of Imperial and Global History in the Department of English, University of Copenhagen - ‘Stop the World’: The Break-Up of Greater Britain. A short prospectus of the forthcoming publication World History of the End of Britain. 

20.06 - 17h00,  Room 528 (FCEE Building) 

Christina Baade, Professor, Communication Studies and Multimedia, Faculty of Humanities, McMaster University - Repertory as Negotiation, Or, Adventures of a Feminist Researcher with ‘Big’ Data, the Archive, and Vera Lynn.