Catarina Simão

Catarina Simão

“Throughout my undergraduate degree in Social Work I was often faced with the diversity of contemporary problems and challenges and with the need for innovative and effective intervention that promotes well-being. At my current professional stage, I felt that it was important to invest in quality training. The quality of teaching, of professional experience and approachability of the teaching staff, and the demands and encouragement of reflection and implementation are, in my view, the great advantages of this degree. As a student of the Master’s in Social Work in Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Social Economy variant, I have deeply reflected and learned about the opportunities that entrepreneurship and innovation can afford, in terms of the ability to act in the search for the improvement of well-being.”

Catarina Vieira Pereira

Catarina Vieira Pereira

Social Worker

“After completing my undergraduate degree in Social Work at FCH, I realised that the continuation of my academic career could only take place at this university, which is why I enrolled in the Master’s in Social Work, in the area of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Social Economy. FCH stands out for its attentive and approachable teaching staff that cares for each individual student, providing opportunities and publicising projects that, in addition to being innovative, also meet the interests and ambitions of students. To be a student at FCH is to be a part of an excellent academic unit, which values and supports our dreams, and shows us the value of the individual in all its dimensions. This Master’s degree has enabled me to develop skills which are fundamental for the job market, such as leadership, entrepreneurship, creative spirit and innovation.”

Margarida Teixeira de Sousa

Margarida Teixeira de Sousa

Estágio de Project Management
Novo Banco

"A escolha que fiz, de inscrever-me neste mestrado, aconteceu pelo fascínio pela vertente social e, ao mesmo tempo, poder explorar a vertente de empreendedorismo. Fazer parte da Associação de Estudantes de outra faculdade, onde tive ligada a projetos sociais e voluntariados católicos fizeram-me perceber que era incontornável, o estudo da área social. O empreendedorismo, porque sou uma pessoa criativa, sempre a querer explorar novas ideias e caminhos. Na verdade, estas duas vertentes complementam-se muito bem e percebi isso nas minhas aulas no Mestrado em Serviço Social da FCH-Católica. Tive a sorte de ter professores com uma enorme experiência e com total disponibilidade para nos ajudar, fazendo crescer os  nossos interesses e projetos sociais. Sobretudo aprendi que o serviço social é a arte da empatia com o outro. Que precisa de ser estudada e trabalhada. E mais que nunca, a nossa sociedade precisa de repensar a sua dimensão social, desde a política, às empresas, aos bancos, instituições ou na própria faculdade. Porque a questão social, faz-nos pensar no que realmente importa."

Mariana Heitor

Mariana Heitor

Social Worker
Câmara Municipal do Cartaxo

“I chose to take the Master’s degree in Social Work at FCH-Católica, thereby investing on furthering my training with new perspectives and in the search of new opportunities. Along this path, I have been able to consolidate knowledge, as well as to further my knowledge of new areas, such as Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Currently, Social Work is present in the most diverse areas and its role is of the greatest importance. The focus on Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Social Economy provided by FCH is a reflection of the growth and importance of Social Work in several key areas in our society.”

Miguel Vinagre

Miguel Vinagre

Assistente Social
Casa de Acolhimento na SCML

"Tirar o mestrado na FCH-Católica foi uma opção por poder continuar os meus estudos na universidade onde tirei a licenciatura e na certeza de continuar a ter a melhor qualidade de ensino. Traz a possibilidade de aprender com professores qualificados e de renome, onde muito mais que a teoria, trazem-nos a prática de quem está no terreno e nos abre a mente para diversas perspetivas e formas de saber-estar e de saber-fazer. Um mestrado que proporciona adquirir um conhecimento mais aprofundado sobre como inovar e ser empreendedor enquanto Assistente Social, com um bom ambiente entre os colegas e um relacionamento de proximidade com os professores."


Admissions Office - Masters

Phone: (+351) 217 214 281