Program Description

The specialization in Social Work – Specific Intervention Contexts – offers learning that aims to reconcile contemporary debates and perspectives on Social Work with the development of specific knowledge in different areas of intervention.

This is achieved through optional seminars providing specialized training in Social Work, namely in six issues and areas of inquiry: Social Service intervention in health; with the elderly; with at risk children and young adults; in multicultural contexts; in local development processes, and in social monitoring and reintegration of vulnerable individuals.

The increasing complexity of processes of social change has created a new category of problems with a multidimensional, multi-causal, dynamic and interdependent profile that demands new responses and entails new methodologies and performance instruments with which students will be familiarized throughout the Master’s degree.

This programme combines solid theoretical training with the application of knowledge in specific intervention cases, enhancing the autonomy of students in terms of the development of professional projects as well as scientific research.


Admissions Office - Masters

Phone: (+351) 217 214 281


Margarida Teixeira de Sousa

Margarida Teixeira de Sousa

Estágio de Project Management
"A escolha que fiz, de inscrever-me neste mestrado, aconteceu pelo fascínio pela vertente social e, ao mesmo tempo, poder explorar a vertente de empreendedorismo."