Book on Communication and Artificial Intelligence
Povos e Culturas (UCEditora)
CEPCEP, the Research Centre on Peoples and Cultures, from Faculdade de Ciências Humanas-Universidade Católica Portuguesa, has an open call for chapters for a book on Communication and Artificial Intelligence, which will be co-edited by CECC researchers Patrícia Dias, Fernando Ilharco and José Gabriel Andrade.
Deadline: 31 January 2024
Applications for a Visiting Professor at Brown University 2024/2025
Two Portuguese teachers or residents in Portugal
Applications are now open for a Visiting Professor in the Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies at Brown University (in Providence, Rhode Island). The competition, which is the result of a partnership between FLAD and Brown University, is open for the two semesters of the 2024/2025 academic year, and is intended to select two Portuguese teachers or residents in Portugal, one for each semester.
Deadline: 1 November 2023
Diffractions n. 9
Beyond the Object: Immaterial Pasts, Immaterial Futures
The ninth issue of Diffractions, dedicated to the topic of "Beyond the Object: Immaterial Pasts, Immaterial Futures", will explore immateriality in artistic and cultural practices as a form of both expression and resistance. Ultimately, it wishes to start a discussion about how multiple perspectives and fields of research and action have blurred the boundaries between binary conceptions such as human-nature, subject-object, and material-immaterial to acknowledge alternative narratives, existences, and temporalities. The aim is to challenge materialist theories and reflect on the importance of non-materials such as ideas, emotions, sensations, and questions of being and becoming on our ethical and political existences and on the relationships between humans and other living beings.
Submission of proposals: by 15 December 2023
XII Graduate Conference in Culture Studies | Space Oddity: On Spatial Narratives
Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Lisbon), 25-27 January 2024
This conference aims to bring together researchers and cultural practitioners to share (and produce) knowledge around contemporary discourses on spatial narratives and narratives on space. What do the narratives of the past say about the possibilities of the future? Is it possible to imagine new relationships and narratives with/about spaces that could include contemporary issues such as care, ecologies, safety, inclusion? In which ways can space be connected to the recognition of our human, non-human and hybrid interdependencies? Papers (but also nontraditional forms of intervention, including performances, interactive presentations and video-essays) that engage in discussing the past, present and future of spatial narratives are welcomed.
Submission of proposals: by 6 October 2023
International conference | Touring Travel Writing III: Between Fact and Fiction
NOVA FCSH, Colégio Almada Negreiros-Campus de Campolide (Lisbon), 9-10 November 2023
The aim of the 3rd Touring Travel Writing international conference is to foment discussion on the many facets of travel writing, from broader issues such as travelling to write, or the connection between travel writing, mobility and conviviality, exploration, (in)tangible heritage, tourist culture, visual culture, gender and power, to more specific questions, such as Anglophone travel writing on the Portuguese-speaking world or Lusophone travel writing on the Anglophone World, children’s literature and young adult fiction and travel writing, or the five senses and travel writing.
Submission of proposals: by 30 September 2023
International conference | Queen Elizabeth II: Life, Times, Legacies
NOVA FCSH, Colégio Almada Negreiros-Campus de Campolide (Lisbon), 17-19 April 2024
This international conference seeks to analyse and assess late Queen Elizabeth II’s life, times, and legacies across a broad range of disciplines, themes and topics. These may include (but are not limited to): The British Monarchy; the British and other European Monarchies; Monarchy and national identity(ies); Monarchy and Republic British institutions; Britain and the Emergence of Popular and Youth Cultures; Britain and the Welfare State; Britain in/and Europe; Britain and Brexit; Britain and Portugal: the Alliance during Elizabeth II’s Reign; Britain in/and the World; Britain and the USA: a special relationship?; the Queen and the European Monarchies; the Queen: biographies and chronicles; the Queen in Literature; the Queen in/and the Visual Arts; the Queen in/and the Media; screening the Queen: Cinema and Television; staging and singing the Queen: Theatre and Music; the Queen and the (re)invention of tradition(s); the Queen, memorabilia, and merchandising; the Queen in/and fashion; royal spaces and geographies; the Queen in and out of doors: sport, animals, and pets; the Queen and her royal residences; the Royal Family: past, present (and future?); among others.
Submission of proposals: by 30 September 2023
Translocal #5 (2022)
Translocal has chosen translation as the cover topic of its next issue. As a journal concerned with the study, critical analysis and dissemination of contemporary local and urban cultural phenomena, it takes translation as an essential category of analysis, not only for the study and understanding of the relationship between texts and languages, but also, more broadly, for the study and understanding of eco-socio-cultural and academic systems, namely in what refers to identities, (in)definition of borders, and power dynamics. The call for papers is open for written essays and articles, visual essays and reviews.
Submission of proposals: by 30 June 2023
Open Cultural Studies
Safe Places
Recent years have been marked by several events that have brought the idea of safety, or lack thereof, to the forefront of academic, political and social debates. It is the case, for instance, of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022, the COVID-19 pandemic, Europe’s ongoing refugee and migrant crisis, the current technological revolution or the environmental emergency, among many others. This special issue wishes to discuss the notion of “safe places” in contemporary culture and to explore its multiple meanings and associations. Submissions of original research papers from scholars in Cultural Studies, Film and the Visual Arts, Performance Studies, Media Studies, Literary and Translation Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, Migration Studies, Humanitarian Studies, among others, that engage with the notion of safe place.
Submission of proposals: NEW DEADLINE - 15 June 2023
Textos Volantes | 2nd edition
Ten manuscripts, written in any variant of the Portuguese language, will be pre-selected by members of CECC’s research group Literature and the Global Contemporary (LaGC) and then evaluated by a jury composed of professors, researchers and writers. The prize will be the publication of the manifesto by Universidade Católica Editora.
Submission of proposals: by 30 April 2023
International congress Em Português: Falar, Viver e Pensar no Século XXI (In Portuguese: Speaking, Living and Thinking in the 21st Century)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) | Lisbon & online, 27-28 November 2023
The UCP research center CEPCEP: Centro de Estudos dos Povos e Culturas de Expressão Portuguesa is organizing an international meeting focusing on the Portuguese language. Assuming language as a determinant cultural element, which shapes human experiences and people’s history, the fundamental aim is to think about the global reality through the multicultural practices generated in and shared by Portuguese-speaking countries.
Submission of proposals: by 30 April 2023
Diffractions #8 (2023)
The next issue of the graduated journal Diffractions will be dedicated to "Nostalgia". Topics such as nostalgia as a modern cultural, social, political and commercial experience; places of memory: real and virtual places of identity; contemporary golden ages: the past and the future as utopia and dystopia; the great (wo)men of History: the rise and fall of the nostalgic hero/anti-hero; non-random access memory: nostalgia in the age of digitisation; or deeply moved: nostalgia and migration, are some of the possible research objects and paths to explore.
Submission of proposals: by 15 April 2023
Criticism Reflected: National Meeting of Literary Critics (A crítica ao espelho: encontro nacional de críticos literários)
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra | 2-3 October 2023
Centro de Literatura Portuguesa da Universidade de Coimbra (Centre for Portuguese Literature at the University of Coimbra) (CLP) and the Portuguese Association of Literary Critics (APCL) aim to bring together, in a comprehensive meeting, the various agents that make up the plural universe of Portuguese literary criticism, not forgetting researchers and international critics whose activity focuses on Portuguese-language literatures. The working language will be the Portuguese.
Submission of proposals: by 31 March 2023
XIII Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture
Optimism about the future has been turning into discomfort, namely due to a growing awareness about both scientific development’s immense capability to cause pain and infortune, and the differences between cultural contexts and the uneven capability of individuals throughout the globe to shape the future to come. Therefore, it should be taken as culturally situated in distinct global realities, thus, graphed in the plural.
Submission of proposals: by 17 March 2023
43rd APEAA Meeting: Culture(s) of the Self
Universidade Católica Portuguesa | Lisbon, 1-3 June 2023
The aim of the 43rd meeting of APEAA: Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-americanos is to question the ways in which selves are socially and aesthetically constructed and/or deployed, and to address the situatedness of the debates around the self and identity.
Submission of proposals: by 15 March 2023
Translation and the News: state of the art, dialogues, reflections
Universidade Católica Portuguesa | Lisbon, 26-27 June 2023
This international conference seeks to enquire into the various intersections that can arise from putting journalism and translation studies in dialogue. Translation studies’ scholars have initiated a discussion around translation practices in the news (Bassnett & Bielsa, 2009; Valdeon, 2022), with clear attempts at establishing a new subarea of research termed by Valdeón (2018) journalistic translation. Alternatively, journalism studies have not yet addressed the relevance of translation as a key practice in news writing. All in all, the conference aims at contributing to the development of journalistic translation research as a subarea of both translation and journalism studies.
Submission of proposals: by 10 March 2023
Arts and Humanities in Digital Transition
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa | 6-7 July 2023
The idea of digital transition evokes a feeling of disruption, on the one hand, and of inevitability and becoming, on the other. We are now at a new stage in the process of industrialisation of culture and the arts, witnessing the emergence of an industry of knowledge built on the accumulation of data, automatic analysis, AI, machine learning, and information visualisation. Diverse forms of connectivity and collaboration have been strengthened, and, for the first time, the need for sharing of a common language between the sciences, the humanities and the arts is now more and more evident. The scope of the conference is to provide an epistemic, cultural, political and artistic reflection on the transformation of knowledge, creativity, design, literacies, cultural techniques and institutions in an era increasingly characterized by the distribution of capabilities and agencies between humans and technology.
Submission of proposals: by 6 March 2023
Comunicação Pública #34 (June 2023)
Special Issue: Studies in Audiovisual and Multimedia
CECC researcher Catarina Burnay is one of the co-editors of the latest call for papers for the journal Comunicação Pública, a special issue dedicated to “Studies in Audiovisual and Multimedia”. The aim of the issue will be (i) to explore the process dynamics of creating, distributing and receiving audiovisual and multimedia contents, (ii) to identify the main technological and social changes which have been shaping the field, (iii) to envision and to understand the impacts of such changes on the industry and on the cultural practices of individuals. Abstracts can be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish, using a pre-formatted template, online via
Submission of proposals: by 13 February 2023
Transatlantic Women’s Networks: Cultural Engagements from the 19th Century to the Present
Universidade Católica Portuguesa | Lisbon, 11-12 May 2023
The conference aims to provide a space to unearth, discuss, map, and (re)situate networks and circuits of intellectual and cultural exchange among women across the Atlantic from the 19th century to the present.
Applications: until 31 January 2023
estrema: Revista Interdisciplinar de Humanidades (s. 2, #2)
estrema is an online journal of the Centre for Comparative Studies (CEC) of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon (FLUL) which aims to publish research articles produced by students of any higher education degree. As an interdisciplinary publication in the Humanities, it publishes works from Linguistics, Literature, Theology, Philosophy, History, Visual Arts, as well as from other fields. The next issue will focus on the vast subject of "light". Proposals should have between 4000 and 10000 words, be written in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, English or German, and be sent by e-mail to, following the journal’s guidelines.
Submission of proposals: by 31 January 2023
I Lisbon Spring School in Translation Studies
Translation is a many-splendored thing
Universidade Católica Portuguesa & Universidade NOVA de Lisboa | 13-18 March 2023
The first edition of the Lisbon Spring School in Translation Studies will take place in two venues in Lisbon, Universidade Católica Portuguesa and Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, and during the six days of the event the organizers will be seeking to provide an open space for the exchange of ideas, methods, and best practices in translation. Abstracts should be sent to (for more information about possible topics and other details, please consult the call for papers under "Learn more").
Submission of proposals: by 20 January 2023
Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal #20
O Livro no seu Tempo: Lugares, Matérias, Formas e Técnicas
The next number of the journal Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal will feature the book, "a phenomenon which brings together the fascination of past expressions, and present debates and pratices announcing future paths and dilemmas" (our translation from the call for papers - see "Learn more"). Proposals should be sent by e-mail to
Submission of proposals: by 20 January 2023
Mind, Body, Culture: Cognitive Poetics Today
Universidade Católica Portuguesa | Lisbon, 31 March – 1 April 2023
This conference seeks to span the two decades since the inception of the field of Cognitive Poetics and identify key issues in a cognitive informed approach to literature. It further aims to bring together researchers and scholars working in different but related fields of cognitive poetics and to explore its present developments and discuss its futures. Abstracts should be sent to and include paper title, abstract in English (max. 250 words), name, e-mail address, institutional affiliation, and a brief bio (max. 100 words) mentioning ongoing research.
Submission of proposals: by 6 January 2023
1st Spring School | Global Epistemologies in Social and Political Sciences
ISCSP - Universidade de Lisboa | 29-31 March 2023
The first Spring School organized by ISCSP about Global Epistemologies in Social and Political Sciences will be dedicated to ‘Normative | Wounded | Transgressive Bodies’. The body is understood in a broad sense, including both the human and the non-human, the animal, the natural and also the digital, and taken as a catalyst for a sweeping reflection with multiple epistemological strands. In its normative, wounded and transgressive aspects, it represents the basis for theoretical and epistemological debates, ontological revisions, cultural and cross-cultural, as well as visual and imaginary understandings. The aim of the event is to create a fruitful environment conducive to a multitude of reflections which could encourage critical and collaborative dialogue between various disciplinary areas.
Submission of proposals: by 30 December 2023
Revista de Estudos Literários vol. 13 (2023)
Rewriting and Memory: dialogues, intersections and overlaps
The next issue of Revista de Estudos Literários intends to bring together theoretical reflections and/or case studies which discuss the concepts of rewriting (in the broad sense of "translation") and memory (including cultural and social memory). The approximation of these two concepts brings to the fore the discussion of translations, adaptations, selftranslations, pseudo-translations. Furthermore, it allows for critical analyses of (i) cultural contexts of both "pre-" and "post-translation/rewriting"; (ii) social, political, linguistic, literary and artistic circumstances in which rewriting occurs; (iii) creative interference of rewriting in authorial, genological, aesthetic trajectories; and (iv) transgressions of rewriting and crises of memory.
Submission of abstracts: by 30 November 2022
Learn more (for English, see pages 3-4)
RUA-L. Revista da Universidade de Aveiro-Letras (2023)
The Role of Creative Industries in International Relations and Markets
For its 2023 issue, the Portuguese journal RUA-L is seeking texts that work at the intersection between creative industries (for instance, cinema, audiovisual, performing arts, visual arts, literature or design) and international relations (at the level of business, cultural, political or social contexts, among other possibilities). The main goal is to reflect on how both topics have been related until now and on how they could be articulated in the future.
Applications: until 30 November 2022
Learn more (for English, see page 2)
Innovating Out of Crisis (IOC)
The Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils (GFCC) & the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
IOC aims to deepen understanding and develop recommended actions to tackle crises and build resilience worldwide. You can find more information about the initiative here. This rewarding opportunity will provide a chance for PhD candidates and researchers linked to GFCC university members to be a dedicated member of the research project supervised by GFCC and JST leadership with their names included in the published findings.
Applications: until October 16, 2022, at 12:00 a.m. (Eastern Time, NYC)
Briefing sessions for further enquires avaliable at, on the following time slots:
- September 27, 8 am ET
- September 28, 5h30 pm ET
- October 6, 9h30 am ET
Funding for International Circulation in Performing and Visual Arts and Cinema
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian) is supporting the international circulation of creatives, programmers and curators in the fields of Performative Arts [choreography (dance) and stage (theatre and opera)], Visual Arts (design, sculpture, photography, performance, painting and video), and Cinema (directing).
Submission of proposals: by 15 October 2022.
15th edition of PUCRS's International Seminar in Communication: Diversity, Race and Gender in Communication
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) | online, 17-18 November 2022
Diversity and representativity is, today, a subject inevitably found in academic research and debates. On the 15th edition of the international seminar in Communication, PUCRS's postgraduate program in Communication calls for a thorough reflection on issues such as race and gender in Brazil - a country marked by exclusion and structural prejudice; about how the media have been positioning in respect to social inclusion and emancipation; and about the prevailing adversities when claiming for diversity and social or cultural representation.
Applications: until 10 October 2022
Learn more (info in Portuguese)
Lisbon Winter School for the Study of Communication: Media and Propaganda
Universidade Católica Portuguesa | Lisbo, 4-7 January 2023
In his seminal book written a century ago, Walter Lippman noted that “under certain conditions [people] respond as powerfully to fictions as they do to realities,” adding that “in many cases they help to create the very fictions to which they respond.” To what extent is this phenomenon evident today? To which extent is it undermining the possibilities of digital participation? What role is being played by journalists, activists, scientists, medical practitioners and other invested individuals in countering it? These are some of the questions that will be addressed at the 3rd Lisbon Winter School for the Study of Communication. We welcome proposals by doctoral students and early career post-doctoral researchers from all over the world to discuss the intertwined relation between media and propaganda in different geographies and across time.
Submission of proposals: by 10 October 2022
Arts, Literature and Culture: A religious perspective (Artes, Literatura e Cultura. Uma perspetiva religiosa)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa | Lisbon, 15-16 November 2022
The conference "Arts, Literature and Culture: A religious perspective" aims to bring together a large group of researchers working on themes related to this topic, in to order to cultivate a real exchange of ideas. In addition to the keynote speakers delivering lectures, this encounter will feature thematic workshops in which researchers will be able to present succinct versions of project proposals, which will then be discussed with two previously appointed respondents/discussants, and by the audience at large.
Submission of proposals: by 5 October 2022
Learn more (for English, see pages 4-6)
I Congreso Internacional de Periodismo UFV
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV) | Madrid, 20-21 October 2022
The Faculty of Communication (Faculdad de Comunicación) of Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, in Madrid, is organising its first symposium on Journalism: I Congreso Internacional de Periodismo UFV. The idea is to promote a broad reflection about both present and future of the journalistic activity, not only in what concerns the profession in itself, but the societal transformation and evolution as well. Researchers are invited to submit proposals either in Spanish or English about Journalism and Business or Journalism and Service to Society.
Submission of proposals: by 1 October 2022
The EST Translation Prize
The EST Translation Prize (EUR 2,000) is awarded biannually by the European Society for Translation Studies for the most deserving project to translate key texts in Translation Studies (including research on interpreting and localization).
Submission of proposals: by 1 October 2022.
Captured Media: Researching Media Systems in and after Transitions
Universidade Católica Portuguesa| Lisbon, 5-6 December 2022
The conference "Captured Media" aims to bring together researchers working on media systems in countries that participated in the third wave of democratization, from Portugal in 1974 to Asia-Pacific and Latin American countries in the 1980s and Eastern Europe, following the collapse of the Berlin Wall. The aim is to discuss how media systems have evolved after the establishment of democracy, and to debate how media and journalistic institutions are co-opted by political and economic structures in countries that lack a strong tradition of press freedom and adequate guarantees.
Submission of proposals: by 15 September 2022