Best Masters by Eduniversal 2024

Program Description

The Master's Program in Culture Studies is part of a network hosted by the Lisbon Consortium that brings together the academy and the art world through a partnership between the MA and PhD Programs in Culture Studies at Universidade Católica Portuguesa and prominent cultural institutions in Lisbon (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Cinemateca Portuguesa, Museu Nacional do Teatro e da Dança, Culturgest, Fundação Oriente, Centro Nacional de Cultura, Oceanário de Lisboa, Parques de Sintra-Monte da Lua, Fundação EDP, Fundação Millennium BCP, Fundação Amélia de Mello e Câmara Municipal de Lisboa). 

The MA Program is ranked #2 in the world by the Eduniversal Best Master’s Ranking in Cultural Management/Creative Industries Management. It targets mainly students from the Humanities and Social Sciences, although not exclusively, and aims at promoting advanced training in the multidisciplinary field of Culture Studies and fostering a structured discussion of cultural phenomena. 

The Global Cultures and the Arts track of the Master’s Program in Culture Studies promotes a broad discussion about cultural phenomena and trains students to develop a critical, structured reflection on how artistic and cultural objects and practices produce meaning. The track is organized around theoretical seminars (common core) and thematic seminars that address issues relevant to the field of Culture Studies and our contemporary times. The program also offers opportunities of professional immersion (internships) so as to extend student learning beyond the space of the University. 

Main focus: Contemporary culture

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Admissions Office - Masters

E-mail: mastersfch@ucp.pt
Phone: (+351) 217 214 281


Ana Luís Pinheiro

Ana Luís Pinheiro

Account Manager
“The variety of seminars, taught by teachers from different nationalities and backgrounds, provides students with a challenging and rewarding academic path.”