PhD in Translation Studies

Program Description

The Faculty of Human Sciences of Universidade Católica Portuguesa and the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities of Nova University of Lisbon have joined together for an inter-university doctoral degree program in Translation Studies.

The Program has a clear profile resulting from the educational and scientific projects of the two schools and the two centers of excellence (CECC - Research Center for Communication and Culture and CETAPS - Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies), grounded on the understanding of translation as a cultural phenomenon that can only be studied in context. This gesture is, therefore, problematizing and hermeneutic, rather than simply descriptive, inscribing translation and reflection on translational practice(s) in a complex fabric that, as well as being linguistic, is also historical, cultural and political.

The Program aims to understand how translation works in different types of texts (literary, audiovisual, scientific and technical), in different times and languages.

The Program customizes the individual research approaches of candidates undertaking a doctoral degree in Translation Studies, enabling the combination of specialists from different fields, two faculties, two research centers, and leveraging the corresponding joint project experience.


Admissions Office - PhD


Phone: (+351) 217 214 281