Alexandre Neves

Alexandre Neves

"As I have always been fascinated by journalism and the media, I quickly realized that I wanted to undertake a degree in the field of Communication Sciences. From there, the choice was easy: I researched degrees in Portugal in this subject, listened to opinions, contacted alumni from different universities and, in the end, I realized that Communication and Cultural Sciences at FCH-Católica was the degree that best fit what I wanted to do and that would open more doors for me. The ability to opt for courses from different areas, from journalism to organisational communication, was something that appealed to me from the start. I didn’t want to be constrained by a very rigid curriculum. The degree is also quite balanced between practical and theoretical subjects: it requires both reflection and critical ability, as well as resourcefulness and willingness to apply knowledge. All this adds value to the experience and takes some of the pressure off when we enter the job market, as we will be confident about the skills we have developed.
In addition to the positive outlook of employers regarding UCP, entry into the job market is also facilitated by the Careers Office, which establishes links with relevant companies in this area and helps in the establishment of cooperation protocols. Furthermore, we all feel that lecturers themselves like to keep up to date with projects that students develop outside of university."

Chloé Pires

Chloé Pires

"Escolhi a Licenciatura em Comunicação Social e Cultural, na vertente de Media e Jornalismo, pois esta área sempre me fascinou! No curso são inúmeras as opções que temos no que diz respeito ao plano curricular, mas também nas saídas profissionais que sei que posso seguir. 
O ambiente na faculdade também me surpreendeu pela positiva, sinto-me numa família com a qual posso contar para superar qualquer desafio. Mal posso esperar pelos próximos anos!"

Diogo Consciência

Diogo Consciência

"Escolhi esta Licenciatura porque adoro a área da comunicação, principalmente em rádio onde sei que a Faculdade de Ciências Humanas abre muitas portas para o meu futuro. A experiência tem sido muito positiva, o curso tem excedido as minhas expetativas e a própria universidade tem um ambiente entre professores e alunos muito saudável. Valorizo bastante a parte prática do curso, a organização da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e a qualidade do ensino."
Joana Gomes

Joana Gomes

“I chose the Degree in Communication and Cultural Sciences because of my passion for this field. The world of Communication is the most fascinating of all, for me. I opted for FCH and the first few weeks here were enough to reassure me that I was in the right place.
The fears I had before applying to study at the university quickly vanished, because of the quality of teaching at FCH and the lecturers’ availability to listen to students, meet our needs and their ability to turn us into assertive students and good future professionals. 
From the very first semester I found myself surrounded by people and experiences that enriched my personal and academic world. I am confident that I am on the right track and that I have chosen the best degree, with diverse areas within Communication and an excellent balance between theory and practice.”

Tomás Almeida

Tomás Almeida

“Estudar na FCH tem sido uma experiência incrível! Desde o meu primeiro dia que percebi que tinha tomado a decisão certa. Para além do ambiente incrível que se vive na FCH e da excelente relação entre alunos e professores, a faculdade oferece muitas oportunidades extracurriculares que nos ajudam a preparar o nosso futuro profissional. O facto de a FCH ter uma grande variedade de cursos e especializações, permite-me ter uma visão mais aberta do mundo académico e profissional. Um forte exemplo disto é eu estudar na vertente de Media e Jornalismo e ter a oportunidade de experimentar disciplinas de outras vertentes como Marketing ou Turismo.
A faculdade oferece uma educação excecional e uma experiência académica incrível,. Tenho a certeza que saio daqui muito bem preparado para o meu futuro.”

Vasco Sousa Cotovio_testemunho 2021

Vasco Sousa Cotovio

Producer and Emmy winner

"It was a decade ago that I began my degree at Católica-Human Sciences. Despite already then knowing what I wanted to do, I did not know very well how to get there. I was ambitious but perhaps somewhat insecure and, despite some intelligence, I was rather vague. However, everything was to change while at the Católica-Human Sciences.

It was there I built up a good cultural base that helped me in later experiences. The languages that the degree taught and that helped in consolidating were also of great importance: learning a new language and working on others that I already spoke was an added value that has opened up many doors in this area especially as I now work mostly on international [stories].

It was also at the Católica-Human Sciences where I took my first steps in journalism, where I began doing my first reports and, more playing about or at least somewhat amateurishly, interviews and so my first works of journalism. And it was through the Universidade Católica Portuguesa that I later managed to get my first internship at SIC Notícias, which ended up turning into my first job as a journalist. No less important, and to conclude, it was there that I made friends for life, without which I would not be where I am now and that have always accompanied me in the meanwhile. This was, undoubtedly, a highly gratifying experience."


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