Alexandre Neves

Alexandre Neves

"As I have always been fascinated by journalism and the media, I quickly realized that I wanted to undertake a degree in the field of Communication Sciences. From there, the choice was easy: I researched degrees in Portugal in this subject, listened to opinions, contacted alumni from different universities and, in the end, I realized that Communication and Cultural Sciences at FCH-Católica was the degree that best fit what I wanted to do and that would open more doors for me. The ability to opt for courses from different areas, from journalism to organisational communication, was something that appealed to me from the start. I didn’t want to be constrained by a very rigid curriculum. The degree is also quite balanced between practical and theoretical subjects: it requires both reflection and critical ability, as well as resourcefulness and willingness to apply knowledge. All this adds value to the experience and takes some of the pressure off when we enter the job market, as we will be confident about the skills we have developed.
In addition to the positive outlook of employers regarding UCP, entry into the job market is also facilitated by the Careers Office, which establishes links with relevant companies in this area and helps in the establishment of cooperation protocols. Furthermore, we all feel that lecturers themselves like to keep up to date with projects that students develop outside of university."

Diogo Machado

Diogo Machado

“Our misgivings about selecting a university and higher education are universal, because we realise the importance this decision will have in building our future. Fear takes over and the closer we get to the moment of deciding, the more we question ourselves on how certain we are about our choice. I must say, however, that the first half of the first semester was enough to dispel these doubts entirely. The unique quality and the close connection established with the teaching staff, and the spirit of mutual help experienced at this university are just three of the many reasons that made me realise I had found the right place. I feel myself progressing with each class and with each day, both as a person, as a student and as a future professional.

Having said this, I’d also note the stringent criteria, rigour and requirements to which we are subjected on a daily basis. In an area as vast as that of Communication, it is essential to have the most accurate approach possible to a complex world that requires us to be increasingly flexible, but also increasingly meticulous and methodical. At the Faculty of Human Sciences of Universidade Católica Portuguesa we are offered all the tools we need to achieve the success we seek.”

Joana Gomes

Joana Gomes

“I chose the Degree in Communication and Cultural Sciences because of my passion for this field. The world of Communication is the most fascinating of all, for me. I opted for FCH and the first few weeks here were enough to reassure me that I was in the right place.
The fears I had before applying to study at the university quickly vanished, because of the quality of teaching at FCH and the lecturers’ availability to listen to students, meet our needs and their ability to turn us into assertive students and good future professionals. 
From the very first semester I found myself surrounded by people and experiences that enriched my personal and academic world. I am confident that I am on the right track and that I have chosen the best degree, with diverse areas within Communication and an excellent balance between theory and practice.”

José Guerreiro

José Guerreiro

“Studying Social and Cultural Communication at FCH has been a very pleasant experience, and this has been reassuring after experiencing the final year of school. Luckily, I find myself in my element and I am surrounded by people and experiences that contribute to my personal and professional growth, and I know today that I made the right choice. The clear difference in the attention we receive from lecturers and all teaching staff is undeniably one of the benefits that makes this institution stand out. I therefore feel that I will be exceptionally well prepared, no matter where I decide to go in my professional life. I look forward to seeing what is ahead of me for the rest of my time here, in what has become my second home.”

Tomás Almeida

Tomás Almeida

“Estudar na FCH tem sido uma experiência incrível! Desde o meu primeiro dia que percebi que tinha tomado a decisão certa. Para além do ambiente incrível que se vive na FCH e da excelente relação entre alunos e professores, a faculdade oferece muitas oportunidades extracurriculares que nos ajudam a preparar o nosso futuro profissional. O facto de a FCH ter uma grande variedade de cursos e especializações, permite-me ter uma visão mais aberta do mundo académico e profissional. Um forte exemplo disto é eu estudar na vertente de Media e Jornalismo e ter a oportunidade de experimentar disciplinas de outras vertentes como Marketing ou Turismo.
A faculdade oferece uma educação excecional e uma experiência académica incrível,. Tenho a certeza que saio daqui muito bem preparado para o meu futuro.”


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