Conferences, Seminars and Colloquiums
- Conference A Backward Glance and the Road Ahead: Reflections on the Walt Whitman Archive as it Reaches its 25th Year with Kenneth Price (November)
- Colloquium A Crítica de Jorge de Sena (November)
- Lecture Literature on the Move: Imagining Travel, Culture and Mobility in the Age of Globalization by Nadia Butt (October)
- Remembering Voices Lost. MLA International Symposium (July)
- Seminar Leverhulme Network Connecting the Wireless World: Writing Global Radio History (June)
- Seminar Future Risks: Communicating Today, the Risks of Tomorrow (June)
- Cultural Literacy & Cosmopolitan Conviviality (May)
- Cross Disciplinary Methodologies: When Communication and History Comes Together (January)
Graduate Schools
- Summer School for the Study of Culture on Neurohumanities: Promises & Threats (July)
- Winter School for the Study of Communication on Media and Populism (January)
Graduate Events
- MyEurope. Young Researchers Debate Europe. Their Experiences, Fears and Hopes (May)
Workshops & Roundtables
- CECC Coffee Break with Everton Machado (November)
- Roundtable Berlim 1989: Quando o Muro Caiu (November)
- CECC Coffee Break with Camila Arêas (October)
- CECC Coffee Break with Mário Caeiro (September)
- CECC Coffee Break with Gianluca Parolin & Nancy Hawker - Aga Khan University (June)
- CECC Coffee Break with Catarina Valdigem (May)
Book Presentations
- "American Journalism and 'Fake News' - Examining the Facts", by Jessica Roberts (April)
- Berlim 1989: Quando o Muro Caiu (Novembro)
- Uncanny River (The Crossing) (May)
- The Eyes Listen (February)
- Desavindos com a vidinha!” Literatura e outras artes contemporâneas de Alexandre O’Neill
- Património & Transformação Digital (conference celebrating the European Year of Cultural Heritage)
- 1818-2018 – the silent revolution: of fears, folly & the female
- Symposium on Literary Translation and Contemporary Iberia
- Translation & Literacy
- Religião, Memória e Identidade na Europa (coorganized with IER)
Conferences Abroad
- Europe’s Crises and Cultural Resources of Resilience (Rome)
- European Humanism in the Making (Gubbio, Italy)
Graduate Conferences & Workshops
- VIII Graduate Conference Replacement and Replaceability
- Donald Trump’s Political Reality, The Politics of Fakery and the Fakery of Politics (student-led workshop)
- VII Graduate Conference Alterity and the Research Imagination
Graduate Schools
- VIII Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture Cyber + Cipher + Culture
- Are we living through a media revolution?. Lecture by James Curran (Goldsmiths University of London)
- The media and the people: The changing interpretation offreedom of speech in the United States. Lecture by Paul Haridakis (Kent State University)
- Memory Beyond the Anthropocene?. Lecture by Alison Ribeiro de Menezes (Warwick University)
- From Trump to #MeToo: Why Journalism Ethic. Lecture by Barbie Zelizer (University of Pennsylvania)
- When is translation no longer a translation? Exploring the relationship between translation and creativity. Lecture by Denise Merkle (Université de Moncton)
- The Ballets Russes: Modernity after Diaghilev. A Lisbon Consortium exhibition
- 13 Shots (exhibition project by artist Aimée Zito Lema at the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, organized by the 4Cs project)
- Artivism=Capital (curatorship project by the Lisbon Consortium)
Workshops & Roundtables
- Conviviality and the Institutional (Roundtable within the project 4Cs)
Conferences and Seminars:
- Jane Austen Superstar. Readership, Translation & Criticism in the 21st century
- Conviviality and the Institutional. A 4Cs conference
- Quo Vadis, Europa?
- XV Ibercom Conference: Communication, Diversity and Tolerance
- Risk and Crisis Communication in the Digital Age. 5th International Crisis Communication Conference
- Migration Challenges in Art and Culture
- Mediatization in a Global Perspective
- Celebrating David Lopes and his Legacy
- Audiences 2030. Imagining a Future for Audiences
- Translating Fear. 10th Conference on Translation Studies in Portugal
- Oral Literature, Ossian and Translation
- The eco-semiotic structure of culture. Lecture by Per Agge Brandt (Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland)
- Translation Studies in Brazil. Lecture by Germana Henriques Pereira (University of Brasília)
- The Media Syndrome and Contemporary Crises. Lecture by David Altheide (Arizona State University)
- Reflections on Safety and Risk. Lecture by Wolfgang Müller-Funk (University of Vienna)
- Afterthoughts on Media Events. Lecture by Elihu Katz (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Graduate Schools
- VII Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture: Global Translations
- Spring School 2017: Media, Culture and Power
Workshops & Roundtables
- Southeast Asia, Past and Present
- 5/5: 5 Artists, 5 Project Rooms. Series of roundtables on arts-based research
Conferences and Seminars
- Thomas More and Utopia
- Recovering the Classics - Reinventing the Classics: Heidi, Maya the Bee, Bambi as Transnational and Intergenerational Heritage
- SopCom Meeting on Television Studies
- O’Neill: 30 Anos + 1 Mês
- Colloquium on the Spanish Civil War and Modernity
- VI CECC International Conference on Culture and Conflict - Manoel de Oliveira: A Poetics Of Dissent
- Nationalismus. Europe in its Labyrinth. International Congress of the Portuguese Association of German Studies 2016
- Matters of Culture
- Debate on France and the State of Emergency. Lecture by Ludovic Heyraud (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3)
- Work Gone Missing in Communication Theory: Veils of Fast Capitalism. Lecture by Ed McLuskie (Boise State University)
- Título. Lecture by Anna Lisa Tota (Roma Tre University)
- Radical Inclusivity: A Lecture on Architecture and Urbanism by Krzysztof Nawratek
- Culture+Conflict. Lecture by Michaela Crimmin (Royal College of Art)
- How Contemporary Trends are Changing the Future of the Media Business. Lecture by Robert Picard (University of Oxford)
Graduate Conferences & Workshops
- 6th Graduate Conference Routes of Difference: Migration in Artistic, Academic and Media Discourses
- The Way we Work Now. Diffractions Lecture Series. Lecture with Irit Rogoff
- Feminist Ghosts - Diffractions Public Presentation
Graduate Schools
- VI Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture: Transvisuality
- Spring School 2016: Media, Private Sphere and Daily Life
- 6th PhDNet Doctoral Symposium
Workshops & Roundtables
- VI Fieldwork
- 1st CECC Coffee Break with Landeg White
Conferences and Seminars:
- Translation & Revolution. 9th Conference on Translation Studies in Portugal
- Fear In/Of Literature. ICLA Conference
- From Multitude to Crowds in Social Movements
- History in Three Keys. Lecture by Judith Woodsworth (Concordia University, Montreal)
- From Truth to Honesty: Migration, Writing and Self-Translation. Lecture by Loredana Polezzi (Cardiff University)
- Zibaldone di Pensieri in Portuguese. Lecture by Andréia Guerini (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – Florianópolis)
- We Need to Talk about Images. Lecture by Laura Erber (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro)
Graduate Conferences & Workshops
- 5th Graduate Conference in Culture Studies – Mind the Gap: The Artist in Culture Studies
Graduate Schools
- V Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture – Cultural Citizenship
Workshops & Roundtables
- The State and the Media (roundtable)
- V Fieldwork
- Digital Humanities (research seminar)
- 1915 – Modernist Legacies and Futures (workshop)
Conferences and Seminars
- Mysteries of Lisbon
- Complex Prepositions – Emergence, Variation and Change
- 50 Years that Changed the World. Translation in the 1st Half of the 20th Century. 8th Conference on Translation Studies in Portugal
- Os Estudos Orientais e os Orientalismos em Portugal
- (New) Audience Practices
Graduate Conferences & Workshops
- 4th Graduate Conference in Culture Studies – Irony: Framing (Post)Modernity
Graduate Schools
- IV Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture – Latencies: Europe 1914-2014
Workshops & Roundtables
- Understanding the Brain in the 21st Century
- IV Fieldwork
Conferences and Seminars
- V CECC International Conference on Culture And Conflict – On the Eve of War
- 35th Annual Conference of the Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies
- Sempre no Ar, Sempre Consigo: Colóquio Sobre o Rádio Clube Português
- António Quadros. Obra, Pensamento, Contextos
- 1813-2013: Two centuries of reading Friedrich Schleiermacher’s seminal text On the different methods of translation. 7th Conference on Translation Studies in Portugal
- Serviço Público e Audiências: Que Relação?
- Digital Humanities. Lecture by Gerhard Lauer
- Lawrence Grossberg (University of North Carolina)
Graduate Schools
- III Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture – Cultures at Work/Working with Culture
- 2nd Spring School Studying Media Systems: Anglo-Saxon, Lusophone and Asian Models
Workshops & Roundtables
- III Fieldwork
- History of the Media in Transition Periods (workshop)
- Ler, Pensar, Traduzir: Fernando Pessoa
- Traduzir de Línguas Orientais para Português (seminário)
- Memória Comemorativa e Políticas da Memória (workshop)