Summary: The Major goals of this project are promoting the wellbeing of university students, and seeking the potential opportunity to explore the effect of inducing the feeling of Awe with nature in triggering Pro-environmental Behaviour. The Current project proposes to delve into some processes that might associate this powerful emotional experience of Awe, not only with wellbeing, but also with Pro-environmental behaviour, a much-needed behaviour in current society in the face of the ongoing environmental crisis. Although elicited empathy with nature has been linked to Pro-environmental behaviour intentions, the role of dispositional empathy, both with animals and with nature in the elicitation of nature related Awe, is not established, nor is that of potential attentional biases in experiencing nature-awe. These mental processes need to be understood if in the future we are going to use nature-Awe as a means to enhance PEB and produce an impactful behaviour change in environmental sustainability. The current project relies heavily on experimental studies and direct behaviour measurement. University students are our target population for two main reasons: their challenged well-being, and the fact that their generation has the highest environmental concerns, although among Portuguese university students PEB appears to be scarce. Hence this population is of great relevance and presents a large potential to be primed into Pro-environmental actions in their everyday lives. We will be able to assess both Portuguese and Swedish students, respectively at the FCH-UCP campus in Lisbon, Portugal and at the MidSweden University campus in Östersund, Sweden.