Welcome to Católica Research Center for Psychology, Social and Family Wellbeing -CRC-W
Created in 2017 and bringing together a team of FCH scholars in Psychology, Social Work and Education, CRC-W has been a steadily growing centre. Albeit its relatively small dimension and young age, it is now a busy, blooming, and growing hub for fundamental and applied research in Psychology and intense cross-talk with other areas Psychology increasingly collaborates with, such as Social work, Education, Neuroscience, Medicine, and other branches of the natural and social sciences.
CRC-W is as strongly committed to producing relevant knowledge for the science of the human mind as to contributing to societal change conducive to human wellbeing.
We are proud that in these few years, we have conducted research that met societies’ quests, such as demands brought by the pandemic, the climate crisis, understanding youth new challenges, poverty and discrimination, and fast transformations in the workplace and the business world.
Through these years we have nonetheless ensured fundamental research on domains such as emotional and cognitive processes, sleep, aging, family interactions, and leadership.
We are now attracting new talents, widening our international collaborations, spawning a new generation of researchers, and driving innovation in many forms, from new perspectives to new instruments, new intervention programs, and digital applications.