Application and Tuition Fees - 2024/2025


  • Application fee (general regime*): 165.00€
  • Registration and 1st enrollment: 435.00€ + 522.00€ (1st installment of payment plan referring to September 2024)
  • Tuition fees (5 instalments per semester): 522.00€ /monthly – 5220.00€ total for the year.**

*The application fee may vary according to the type of application. 
**Fees for 30 ECTS per semester. The monthly fees are calculated in line with the number of ECTS for which the student is enrolled in that semester.

Note: The application fee, registration and 1st enrollment are not refundable.


For further information check our admissions page.


Chloé Pires

Chloé Pires

"(...) sinto-me numa família com a qual posso contar para superar qualquer desafio."