Summary: the project presents itself as an integrated system for promoting mental health, with flexibility and a focus on the student, seeking to integrate, systematize and consolidate a set of levels and types of intervention, activities and procedures, anchored in the Stepped Care Model applied to mental health. A joint initiative of the four geographies of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) - Lisboa, Braga, Porto and Viseu, it seeks to meet the needs of UCP students, in terms of the type, duration or intensity of interventions, contributing to:

(A) facilitating communication on mental health issues between students and the UCP;

(B) increase initiatives to promote mental health, prevention and early identification and signaling of mental health problems, articulating them with activities/projects, mental health services/professionals already existing at the UCP;

(C) systematize procedures relating to assessment and clinical intervention and referral, and define specific itineraries, depending on the needs of the students, with a view to improving the quality of the responses provided.