Couple Relationships'Quality: Dyadic Resilience, Dyadic Coping and Dyadic Adjustment

Abstract: Cross-cultural study coordinated by Jaume Grané Morcillo and Berta Vall from the School of Psychology and Educational and Sports Sciences (FPCEE) - Blanquema Ramon Llull University (URL), with the collaboration of Silvia Donato and Miriam Parise from the Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC, Milan; Couple and Family Research Group) and Susana Costa-Ramalho from the Faculty of Human Sciences (Institute of Family Sciences - FCH - UCP). Its main objectives are: (a) to assess the quality of romantic relationships in a sample of adults in each country; (b) to validate the Couple Resilience Inventory (CRI) questionnaire in Italian and Portuguese; (c) to analyze and understand the relationship between the three constructs: couple resilience, dyadic coping and marital adjustment; (d) to explore intercultural variables with an impact on marital quality.