Rita Salvado

Assistant Professor


PhD in Communication Sciences from the Portuguese Catholic University and a degree in Communication Design from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. Since 2003 has been a lecturer in the Social and Cultural Communication degree programme at the Faculty of Human Sciences of UCP, where currently teaches Advertising Communication and Image Criticism, and Advertising in the Communication, Marketing and Advertising master's degree programme. The main areas of research are Advertising, Brands, Design and Creativity. Rita Salvado is also Creative Director at the multinational advertising agency BBDO.


A Publicidade Mundial e o Confinamento de 2020: Afirmação do Papel Humanista da Publicidade e das Marcas

Rita Salvado 2024. Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Book Chapter

Action intent

Rita Salvado (with Lena Zander). 2020. Research handbook of global leadership

A marca Oliveira da Serra na novela Laços de Sangue: um caso de Brand Placement

Rita Salvado (with Rita Leal Salvado). 2013. Revista de Comunicação e Marketing