Filipa Barros

Assistant Professor


Filipa Barros has a PhD in Psychology (University of Aveiro) and is currently a guest Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Catholic University of Portugal, and a researcher at the Católica Research Center for Psychological, Family and Social Wellbeing (CRC-W). She is also a collaborator member of the William James Center for Research (Social Cognition and Body Odors Team). Her main research interests include the study of social cognition processes, emotional processing, and visual/olfactory processing in the general population and in the autism spectrum. She has scientific publications in the areas of emotions, autism, and human olfaction.

Currently, she is also a mediator for school success in the project "Mediators for School Success", developed by the Associação Empresários pela Inclusão Social (EPIS) and implemented in schools of Ovar through a partnership between EPIS and the Ovar municipality. Member of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists since 2017, she also works as a clinical psychologist in private context.


The angry versus happy recognition advantage: the role of emotional and physical properties

Filipa Barros (with Filipa Barros). 2023. Psychological Research

Autism traits dimensionality and multivariate relationship with alexithymia and anxiety in the general population

Filipa Barros (with Filipa Barros). 2022. Research in Developmental Disabilities

Multidimensional assessment of anxiety through the State-Trait Inventory for Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety (STICSA): From dimensionality to response prediction across emotional contexts

Filipa Barros (with Filipa Barros). 2022. PLOS ONE

Exogenous attention to social stimuli in the neurotypical population: The impact of autism traits

Filipa Barros (with Barros, Filipa). 2021. 29th European Congress of Psychiatry

Sensory Processing in the Autism Spectrum: The Role of Attention to Detail and Somatic Trait Anxiety in the Olfactory Perception of the General Population

Filipa Barros (with Filipa Barros). 2021. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Subjective responses to emotional body odors and common odors in Autism-spectrum disorders

Filipa Barros (with Grave, Joana). 2021. 29th European Congress of Psychiatry

An Information-Theoretical Method for Emotion Classification

Filipa Barros (with Brás, S.). 2020. IFMBE Proceedings

Giving meaning to the social world in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Olfaction as a missing piece of the puzzle?

Filipa Barros (with Barros, F.). 2020. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews

Multimodal emotion evaluation: A physiological model for cost-effective emotion classification

Filipa Barros (with Pinto, G.). 2020. Sensors (Switzerland)

Study on the usage feasibility of continuous-wave radar for emotion recognition

Filipa Barros (with Gouveia, C.). 2020. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control

The impact of trait anxiety and autism traits on olfactory abilities of the general population

Filipa Barros 2020. 28th European Congress of Psychiatry

Carryover Effects May Not Be Always Bad: The Effect of Order of Emotional Induction in Subjective Reports

Filipa Barros (with Barros, Filipa). 2019.

Cognitive and Somatic Trait Anxiety: Subjective and Psychophysiological Responses

Filipa Barros 2019. European Psychiatry

Emotional chemosignaling in autism-spectrum disorders: A study protocol and preliminary results

Filipa Barros 2019. Proc. 20th NeNa Conference

Measuring the cognitive and somatic dimensions of anxiety: Psychometric analysis of State-Trait Inventory for Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety (STICSA)

Filipa Barros (with Figueiredo, Cláudia). 2019. European Congress of Psychiatry

Soziale Kommunikation durch emotionale Körpergerüche: Wie werden sie erfolgreich erhoben und welche Rolle spielen sie bei Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen? [Social communication through emotional body odors: What role do they play in autism-spectrum di...

Filipa Barros 2019. DGPPN-Kongress 2019

The role of somatic trait anxiety and alexithymia on the physiological and subjective responses to emotional stimuli

Filipa Barros (with Barros, Filipa). 2019. 19th World Psychiatry Association World Congress

Assessing cognitive and somatic dimensions of anxiety: Psychometric analysis of State-Trait Inventory for Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety (STICSA)

Filipa Barros 2018. The Psychologist: Practice & Research Journal

Effectiveness of Psychoeducation on Functional Impairment of Bipolar Patients – A Systematic Review

Filipa Barros 2018. The Psychologist: Practice & Research Journal

Effectiveness of Psychoeducational Interventions for Patients with Bipolar Disorder on Quality of Life: a Systematic Review

Filipa Barros 2018. The Psychologist: Practice & Research Journal

Satisfação com a vida de estudantes do ensino superior: o impacto das dimensões Cognitiva e Somática da Ansiedade Estado e Traço

Filipa Barros 2018. The Psychologist: Practice & Research Journal

Deteção de Expressões Emocionais em Função da Intensidade Emocional

Filipa Barros 2016. 11º Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental

Deteção de Expressões Emocionais em função da Intensidade Emocional