Vice-Rector for Transformation, Collaboration and International Affairs, Dr. Ribeiro coordinates the Doctoral Program in Communication Sciences at the Faculty of Human Sciences and the research group “Media Narratives and Cultural Memory” at the Center for Communication and Culture Studies ( CECC). He is the Dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences since 2016.
Member of Academia Europaea (elected in 2023), he is an affiliated researcher and member of the ethics committee of the International Panel on the Information Environment (IPIE). Since 2016, he has been a member of the International Council and chair of the History section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), having previously been chair of the Communication History section of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Dr. Ribeiro is the founding director of the Lisbon Winter School for the Study of Communication, organized in partnership with the Annenberg School for Communication (University of Pennsylvania), the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism (University of Southern California) and the University of Helsinki. His main areas of research are media history, propaganda and disinformation, media and colonialism and journalism studies.
He was a fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and a visiting professor at several universities in Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa.