Catarina Valdigem

Assistant Professor

Generic Bio

PhD in Media and Communications from Goldsmiths, University of London (2016). Currently, she is a postdoctoral researcher in the ongoing project “Broadcasting in the Portuguese Empire: Nationalism, Colonialism, Identity” led by Dr Nelson Ribeiro, and based in the Research Center for Communication and Culture, of the Faculty of Human Sciences, UCP. Here she also teaches in the master and undergraduate programmes. Previously, Catarina taught in the School of Media and Communications of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (2017-2018), and in the media and communications’ department of Goldsmiths (2010 - 2016). Formerly she participated in different projects based at ICS-UL, UBI and CIMJ (now, UNL), within which she conducted reception studies of audio and audiovisual texts, contributing to gender, cultural, postcolonial, memory, media and migration studies. She has published on these subjects, and more recently on the memories of radio and of sound both in colonial Mozambique and postcolonial Portugal.

Book Chapter

Memórias da rádio e do colonialismo: estórias de portugueses e de moçambicanos de origem goesa na pós-colonialidade

Catarina Valdigem 2021. Título Provisório "Rádio Con:Vida"
Book Chapter

Recepção da Rádio e da Música no Moçambique Colonial: experiências e subjetividades goesas

Catarina Valdigem 2021. Cultura Popular e Império

with Nelson Ribeiro, “Transgressing or complying with the colonial rule? The GOLO commercial broadcasts on the Rádio Clube de Moçambique

Catarina Valdigem 2021. IAMCR Rethinking borders and boundaries, Beyond the global/local dichotomy in communication studies

with Rogério Santos, (De)constructing the nation through colonial broadcasting in Angola and Mozambique

Catarina Valdigem 2021. IAMCR, Rethinking borders and boundaries, Beyond the global/local dichotomy in communication studies

In-Between the colonial and anti-colonial airwaves: South Asian Soundscapes in colonial Mozambique

Catarina Valdigem 2020. “Crossing Borders with a New Medium: Radio and Imperial Identities”
Book Chapter

Recepção da Rádio e da Música no Moçambique colonial: experiências e subjectividades goesas

Catarina Valdigem 2020. Ed. Nuno Domingos, título provisório "O império colonial português e a cultura popular urbana: visões comparativas das colónias e da metrópole"

with Rogério Santos, Sebastião Coelho e a construção sonora da angolanidade

Catarina Valdigem 2020. Africana Studia

with Rogério Santos, Sounds of Resistance: dissident anti-colonial broadcasting practices in colonial Angola and Mozambique (1960-1974)

Catarina Valdigem 2020. “Crossing Borders with a New Medium: Radio and Imperial Identities”

Memórias da rádio e do colonialismo: estórias de portugueses e de moçambicanos de origem goesa na pós-colonialidade


South Asian/ Indian Soundscapes in colonial Mozambique: historical notes of the circulation and the politics of diasporic sounds

Catarina Valdigem 2019. Communication, Technology and Human dignity: disputed rights, contested truths

Swagatam: Som do Oriente¿: história e receção de um programa radiofónico no contexto pós-colonial lusófono

Catarina Valdigem (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2019. Congresso “Media: Poder, Representação e Epistemologia”: VI Congresso Internacional de Comunicação, Jornalismo e Espaço Público

with Rogério Santos, Sebastião Coelho (1931-2002), locutor, produtor fonográfico e político

Catarina Valdigem 2019. XI Congresso SOPCOM

(De)constructing senses of Indian-ness


Food, Belonging and Postcolonial Memories: the case of Portuguese Muslims of Indian and Mozambican origins


Memories of Media Practices and of the Portuguese Empire: the case of Portuguese Muslim of Indian and Mozambican origins

Catarina Valdigem (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2017. Audiences 2013, Imagining a Future for Audiences
Book Chapter

Dando Género às Tecnologias e aos Lugares: As mulheres de classe operária dos bairros históricos de Lisboa

Catarina Valdigem (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2015. A Caixa não Mudou o Mundo – Usos Femininos dos Media no Estado Novo

When new audiences were kept out of the world; the arrival of electronic media and female marginalization in mid-20th century Portugal

Catarina Valdigem (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2014. MECCSA Conference subject to the theme "Media and the Margins"
Book Chapter

with José Ricardo Carvalheiro "Gendering Technologies and Places: Working class women in the Lisbon historical quarters"

Catarina Valdigem 2014. As Caixas Mudaram o Mundo? Usos Femininos dos Media no Estado Novo

with José Ricardo Carvalheiro "When new audiences were kept out of the world: the arrival of electronic media and female marginalization in mid-20th century Portugal"

Book Chapter

Postcolonial Memories of Media reception and construction of collective belongings: the case of Portuguese Muslim Women of Indian and Mozambican origins

Catarina Valdigem 2013. Gender and the Past: Qualitative Approaches to Broadcasting Reception

Postcolonial Memories of Media Reception and the construction of Collective Belongings: the case of Portuguese Muslim Women of Indian and Mozambican origins

Catarina Valdigem (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2013. Gender and the Past: Qualitative Approaches to Broadcasting Reception

Beyond the Visualities of Belonging: the case of Portuguese Muslims of Indian and Mozambican origins


Remembering with and through 'media objects' among Portuguese Muslims of Indian and Mozambican origins: a family case study

Catarina Valdigem (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2011.

Sensing memories and belongings through media consumption among Portuguese Muslims of Indian and Mozambican Origin

Catarina Valdigem (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2010. IAMCR - International Association for Media and Communication Research

Sensing memories and belongings through media consumption among Portuguese Muslims of Indian and Mozambican Origins


Managing Focus Groups: some concerns about the method


Sensing memories among Portuguese Muslims of Indian-Mozambican origin

Catarina Valdigem (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2008. EASA 2008: Experiencing diversity and mutuality, Workshop 110 "Enacting pasts and futures: memory, identity and imagination"

Sensing memories among Portuguese Muslims of Indian-Mozambican origin

Catarina Valdigem 2008. EASA - European Association of Social Anthropologists

Diasporic Identities and media consumption: the case of Indian-Mozambican Muslims in Lisbon, Portugal

Catarina Valdigem (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2007. ECREA, Mediations of Cultural Difference: Debating Media and Diversity - 1st Diaspora, Migration and the Media Section European Workshop

Managing Focus Groups: some concerns about the method


Ethnic Minorities and the Media


Imagens dos Idosos na Televisão Portuguesa: Estudo de caso relativo a 2004

Catarina Valdigem (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2006. LUSOCOM 2006 - VII Congresso Internacional de Comunicação lusófona

Media Uses and Identity: Brazilian Women in a Hairdressing Salon

Catarina Valdigem 2006. Media & Jornalismo

Methods of Reception Research: The uses of the Brazilian soap opera O Clone and the construction of identity

Book Chapter

Representing Minorities on Prime-Time TV

Catarina Valdigem 2006. Media, Imigração e Minorias Étnicas II
Book Chapter

Televisão e Memória: histórias de Mulheres idosas

Catarina Valdigem (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2006. A Televisão das Mulheres: ensaios sobre a recepção
Book Chapter

Television and Memory: stories of elderly women

Catarina Valdigem 2006. A Televisão das Mulheres: ensaios sobre a recepção

Usos dos Media e Identidade: Mulheres brasileiras num salão de beleza

Catarina Valdigem (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2006. Media & Jornalismo

A indústria cultural televisiva como fonte mediadora de processos de hibridação cultural: estudo de recepção da telenovela brasileira "O Clone"

Catarina Valdigem (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2005.

A Indústria cultural televisiva como fonte mediadora de processos de hibridação cultural: Estudo de recepção da telenovela brasileira O Clone”

Catarina Valdigem (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2005. 4ª SOPCOM - Repensar os Media: Novos Contextos de Comunicações e Informação

Brasileiros e ciganos no prime-time português: estudo de caso

Catarina Valdigem (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2005. Comunicação & Cultura

Brazilians and Gypsies on Portuguese Television Prime-Time: A Case Study

Catarina Valdigem 2005. Comunicação & Cultura

Images of the Elderly on Portuguese Television: a 2004 Case Study

Catarina Valdigem 2005. LUSOCOM 2006 - VII Congresso Internacional de Comunicação Lusófona

Media analysis of Migrations in Portugal


Os Usos da Telenovela Brasileira O Clone em Portugal: Fragmentos de construção da Identidade

Catarina Valdigem (with Valdigem, Catarina). 2005. INTERCOM 2005 - Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação, XXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação

Presentation of the Research Project "Television and the Images of Difference“


The Uses of the Brazilian Soap Opera O Clone in Portugal: Identity fragments under construction


The uses of the Brazilian Soap Opera O Clone and the processes of construction of Identities