Advanced Studies in Communication

6 ECTS / Semester / Portuguese
Make sensible to students the basic nature of communication in human experience, and in life in general, encouraging them to develop critical faculties and research capabilities. Through the discussion of varied aspects of the phenomenon of communication, appealing to other areas of science beyond communication sciences, it is intended that students gain the ability to think and act in the communication area taking reality as a whole and from diverse perspectives.


Assistant Professor
PhD in Media and Communications from Goldsmiths, University of London (2016). Currently, she is a postdoctoral researcher in the ongoing project “Broadcasting…
Associate Professor
PhD in Information Systems from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London, and MBA in Information Management from the Catholic…
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor and a Researcher at the FCH-UCP since 2019. Her main areas of study are Press and Media Studies, the relations between popular culture and…