
Bárbara Nazaré has an integrated master’s degree in Clinical and Health Psychology (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2007) and a PhD in Health Psychology (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2013). Between 2015 and 2020, she was an assistant professor at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, where she supervised theses of students of the Master in Clinical and Health Psychology. Regarding research, her focus has been reproductive health, mainly the study of adaptation to normative events (pregnancy and the birth of a child) and non-normative events (several types of reproductive loss, including termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality) from a dyadic perspective. Currently, she is a member of CRC-W (Católica Research Centre for Psychological, Family and Social Wellbeing). She is a reviewer for several scientific journals (e.g., Frontiers in Psychology) and associated editor for the Clinical and Health Psychology section of the journal Psicologia.


Maternal appraisals of the birth of a child: Portuguese version of the Stress Appraisal Measure

Bárbara Nazaré (with Bárbara Nazaré). 2021. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology

Adaptação da fatigue assessment scale em mães de bebés até dois anos


Estudos psicométricos da versão portuguesa do transition: Readiness assessment questionnaire (traq)

Bárbara Nazaré 2018. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças

Mothers’ and fathers’ attachment and caregiving representations during transition to parenthood: an actor–partner approach

Bárbara Nazaré (with Fonseca, A.). 2018. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology

Avaliação breve da psicossintomatologia: Análise fatorial confirmatória da versão portuguesa do Brief Symptom Inventory 18 (BSI 18)

Bárbara Nazaré (with Nazaré, B.). 2017. Analise Psicologica

Inventário de Sintomas Psicopatológicos 18 (BSI-18)

Bárbara Nazaré 2017. Psicologia cĺınica e da saúde: Instrumentos de avaliação

Medical information concerning an infant's congenital anomaly: Successful communication to support parental adjustment and transition

Bárbara Nazaré 2016. Disability and health journal

Medical information concerning an infant's congenital anomaly: Successful communication to support parental adjustment and transition Part of the content of this manuscript has been presented at a National Conference in 2013.

Bárbara Nazaré (with Fonseca, A.). 2016. Disability and Health Journal

Parenting an Infant with a Congenital Anomaly: How are Perceived Burden and Perceived Personal Benefits Related to Parenting Stress?

Bárbara Nazaré (with Fonseca, A.). 2015. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings

The role of satisfaction with social support in perceived burden and stress of parents of six-month-old infants with a congenital anomaly Actor and partner effects

Bárbara Nazaré 2014. Journal of Child Health Care

The role of satisfaction with social support in perceived burden and stress of parents of six-month-old infants with a congenital anomaly: Actor and partner effects

Bárbara Nazaré (with Fonseca, A.). 2014. Journal of Child Health Care

Adaptive and maladaptive grief responses following TOPFA: actor and partner effects of coping strategies


Ambival̂encia em relação à utilização de amniocentese: Que efeitos tem no processo de tomada de decisão do casal?

Bárbara Nazaré 2013. Livro de atas do VIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia

Clinical Determinants of Parents' Emotional Reactions to the Disclosure of a Diagnosis of Congenital Anomaly

Bárbara Nazaré (with Fonseca, A.). 2013. JOGNN - Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing

Estudos psicométricos da versão portuguesa da Escala de Contribuições Positivas numa amostra de pais de crianças com anomalia congénita

Bárbara Nazaré 2013. Livro de atas do VIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia

O tempo cura tudo? Adaptação à experîencia de interrupção médica da gravidez por anomalia fetal durante o primeiro ano

Bárbara Nazaré 2013. Livro de atas do VIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia

Parental psychological distress and confidence after an infant's birth: The role of attachment representations in parents of infants with congenital anomalies and parents of healthy infants

Bárbara Nazaré (with Fonseca, A.). 2013. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings

Parenting an infant with a congenital anomaly: An exploratory study on patterns of adjustment from diagnosis to 6 months post birth.

Bárbara Nazaré (with Fonseca A). 2013.

Questionário de Confiança Parental: Análise fatorial confirmatória numa amostra comunitária de casais

Bárbara Nazaré 2013. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças

Stressores diádicos associados ao risco de anomalia fetal: Com que exiĝencias se confrontam os casais durante a gravidez?

Bárbara Nazaré 2013. Atas do II Congresso Iberoamericano/III Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Psicologia da Saúde

Validation of the Portuguese version of the Mental Representation of Caregiving Scale: A study with a sample of parents of one-month-old babies,Validação da Escala de Representações Mentais de Prestação de Cuidados para a população portuguesa...

Bárbara Nazaré (with Fonseca, A.). 2013. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnostico y Evaluacion Psicologica

Avaliação da ligação parental ao bebé após o nascimento: Análise fatorial confirmatória da versão portuguesa do Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire (PBQ).

Bárbara Nazaré 2012. Laboratório de Psicologia

Avaliação das preocupaçÕes sentidas durante a gravidez: Estudos psicométricos da versão portuguesa da Cambridge Worry Scale (CWS).

Bárbara Nazaré 2012. Laboratório de Psicologia

Grief following termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality: Does marital intimacy foster short-term couple congruence?

Bárbara Nazaré (with Nazaré, B.). 2012. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology

Parental psychological distress and quality of life after a prenatal or postnatal diagnosis of congenital anomaly: A controlled comparison study with parents of healthy infants

Bárbara Nazaré (with Fonseca, A.). 2012. Disability and Health Journal

Sintomatologia clinicamente significativa após uma interrupção médica da gravidez: Quem manifesta reações intensas de trauma e luto?


Trauma Following TOPFA: Is this the Path From Guilt to Grief?


Amniocentesis Due to Advanced Maternal Age: The Role of Marital Intimacy in Couples' Decision-Making Process

Bárbara Nazaré (with Nazaré, B.). 2011. Contemporary Family Therapy

Avaliação da confiança parental: Versão portuguesa do Maternal Confidence Questionnaire

Bárbara Nazaré 2011. VIII Congresso Iberoamericano de Avaliação Psicológica/XV Confer̂encia Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos

Changes in marital congruence and quality of life across the transition to parenthood in couples who conceived spontaneously or with assisted reproductive technologies

Bárbara Nazaré (with Gameiro, S.). 2011. Fertility and Sterility

Diagnóstico de anomalia congénita do bebé no peŕıodo perinatal: O papel da percepção parental acerca do diagnóstico na qualidade de vida

Bárbara Nazaré 2011. Saúde e qualidade de vida: uma meta a atingir

Estudos psicométricos da versão Portuguesa da Escala de Impacto Familiar (EIF)

Bárbara Nazaré 2011. Laboratório de Psicologia

Gravidez subsequente a uma interrupção médica: Especificidades de género na relação entre luto perinatal, psicossintomatologia e qualidade de vida

Bárbara Nazaré 2011. Saúde e qualidade de vida: uma meta a atingir

Patterns of parental emotional reactions after a pre- or postnatal diagnosis of a congenital anomaly

Bárbara Nazaré (with Fonseca, A.). 2011. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology

Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire: Estudo da versão portuguesa numa amostra comunitária

Bárbara Nazaré 2011. VIII Congresso Iberoamericano de Avaliação Psicológica/XV Confer̂encia Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos

Uma perspectiva cognitivo-comportamental sobre o investimento esquemático na apar̂encia: Estudos psicométricos do Inventário de Esquemas sobre a Apar̂encia--Revisto (ASI-R).

Bárbara Nazaré 2010. Laboratório de Psicologia