Health Behavior Change Interventions

6 ECTS / Semester / Portuguese

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

  • Goal 1: to define and apply core concepts of the public health approach to different health problems and needs.
  • Goal 2: to develop the rationale for a health behavior change intervention.
  • Goal 3: to identify and apply the different steps and components of a needs assessment.
  • Goal 4: to identify and select behavior change models to address specific health needs and problems.
  • Goal 5: to select intervention levels and typologies according to health needs and goals.
  • Goal 6: to identify, describe, select, and use different methods and strategies to address specific health problems or needs.
  • Goal 7: to describe the steps of the implementation of health behavior change interventions.
  • Goal 8: to define evaluation plans for health behavior change interventions.
  • Goal 9: to identify intervention specificities according to different modes of delivery and topics.


Assistant Professor
Bárbara Nazaré has an integrated master’s degree in Clinical and Health Psychology (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of…
Assistant Professor
PhD in Psychology with an European Doctorate in the Interuniversity Doctoral Programme in Psychology, specialising in Clinical Psychology - Family Psychology…