Holds a Post-Doctorate in Communication Studies from the School of Communications and Arts, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil (International flows of Portuguese television fiction) and PhD in the same area by the School of Human Sciences, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Azorianity in RTP-Açores’ fictional content), Institution where she began her academic career in 2002. Associate Professor at FCH/UCP, she is Coordinator of the Masters in Communication Studies and of the Advanced Programme in Audiovisual: production, distribution and consumption. Member of the Board of the Research Centre for Communication and Culture (CECC) and the Centre for Studies of Portuguese Speaking Peoples and Cultures (CEPCEP). General Co-coordinator of the Ibero-American Observatory of Television Fiction (OBITEL) and coordinator of OBITEL-Portugal. Her main research areas are media studies, television and audiovisual studies, media and identities, production and programming strategies, publics and audiences, with several publications and communications on these themes.
Catarina Duff Burnay
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