Health Literacy and Communication

6 ECTS / Semester / Portuguese

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

a) To critically reflect on the concept of health literacy, its evolution and underlying theoretical models;
b) To critically discuss the role of health literacy in health promotion, disease prevention, disease management and use of health services;
c) To identify the main determinants of health literacy and their relationship to health inequities;
d) To identify barriers and facilitators of the health communication process, at different levels and in different health contexts;
e) To demonstrate skills in the development, implementation and assessment of health communication;
f) To identify good practices of health communication and health literacy promotion in different contexts;
g) To develop and demonstrate skills in designing and implementing effective communication and health literacy promotion strategies with different target audiences.


Assistant Professor
Chefe da Divisão de Estilos de Vida Saudável na Direção-Geral da Saúde. Com trabalho e coordenação de projetos nas áreas da Promoção da Saúde, Literacia em…
Assistant Professor
PhD in Psychology from Universidade de Lisboa, is the coordinator of the Master’s in Psychology of Wellbeing and Health Promotion, and of the Post-graduation…