Public Health Crises and Emergencies

6 ECTS / Semester / Portuguese

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

Emergency situations, catastrophes and crises show that human behaviour mediates the relationship between events (e.g. disease outbreaks; extreme weather events; climate crisis) and their impacts on public health, amplifying or attenuating them. To mitigate these impacts and build resilience for future events, this curricular unit
will allow to:

  1. Understand human behaviour and decision-making in emergency situations, catastrophes, and public health crises.
  2. Know how to apply crisis intervention, management and communication strategies, methods and techniques, focusing on human behaviour and its predictors.
  3. Develop competencies in identifying human patterns of adaptation and vulnerability profiles, and for building psychological, social and community resilience. 
  4. Understand how knowledge and evidence from the behavioural sciences can inform the design, testing, implementation and evaluation of risk and crisis governance actions.