João Pedro Oliveira



PhD candidate in Culture Studies at Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP). He is since 2024 an invited assistant professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences of Universidade Católica Portuguesa (FCH-UCP) and a researcher at Research Centre for Communication and Culture (CECC). His main areas of research are: narrative traditions and identity in Asia; Asian philosophies and religions; popular culture and nationalism in Asia; Asian languages and writing systems; and Asian cinema. Publica e lecciona cursos relacionados com estes temas com frequência. He writes and teaches courses about all these subjects.


João Pedro Oliveira (with Oliveira, João Pedro). 2024. Diffractions

O Latinórum na Tóri di Babel: humor e língua na literatura em crioulo de Macau

João Pedro Oliveira (with João Oliveira). 2024. Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau

Society with Indian characteristics: caste, class and species in contemporary retellings of the Ramayana

João Pedro Oliveira (with João Oliveira). 2024. Journal of Dharma Studies
Book Chapter

The Portuguese language in Asia, Asia in the Portuguese language

João Pedro Oliveira (with João Pedro Oliveira). 2024. Age of discovery: Portugal the first global empire

The progressive pilgrim: real and mythical Indian geography in the contemporary retellings of the Ramayana

João Pedro Oliveira (with João Oliveira). 2024. Nations and Nationalism

What a Wonderful (Post-Apocalyptic) World: Representations of India and the West in Ramayan 3392 AD

João Pedro Oliveira (with João Pedro Oliveira). 2024. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics
Book Chapter

Bumi, Vatani, Yahani: Didgah-ha va Taamolati Piraun-e Ferdowsi va Camões [Local, nacional, universal: perspectivas sobre Ferdowsi e Camões]

João Pedro Oliveira (with João Oliveira). 2023. Portuguese Theatre (II). Luís de Camões. Auto chamado dos Enfatriões
Book Chapter

Incredible India shining: the idea of India in political and touristic propaganda posters of the XXI century

João Pedro Oliveira (with João Oliveira). 2023. Pathologies and Dysfunctions of Democracy in the Media Context – The Return of the Propaganda Model. Emotions, Populism and Polarization
Opinion article

Portugal’s Linguistic Legacy in Southeast Asia

João Pedro Oliveira (with Oliveira, João Pedro). 2023. Biblioasia

Review of Gaião (2019): Dicionário do Crioulo de Macau: Escrita de Adé em Patuá

João Pedro Oliveira (with João Oliveira). 2023. John Benjamins Publishing Company
Opinion article

The Illustrated Ramayana

João Pedro Oliveira (with joão pedro oliveira). 2023. Revista Oriente

O Selvagem Africano, o Falso Mouro e o Exótico Gentio

João Pedro Oliveira (with João Oliveira). 2022. e-Letras

O selvagem africano, o falso mouro e o exótico gentio: imagens dos orientais n’«Os lusíadas» e no presente

João Pedro Oliveira (with João Pedro Marques Morgado Ferreira de Oliveira). 2022. Letras convida

Review of Raul Leal Gaião's (2019) Dicionário do Crioulo de Macau

João Pedro Oliveira (with João Oliveira). 2022. John Benjamins Publishing Company

Tóri di Babel: humor e língua na literatura em crioulo de Macau

João Pedro Oliveira (with João Oliveira). 2017. University of Lisbon

O Latinórum na Tóri di Babel

João Pedro Oliveira (with João Oliveira). Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau