Capstone Service - Learning Project for PPE

6 ECTS / Semester / Portuguese

Main objective:

  • To integrate the knowledge gained from student coursework in PPE with a final semester service-learning (SL) project that takes place primarily outside of the classroom, through pre-approved participation in a project of some social merit. Students must create, develop and defend their specific SL plan.

By the end of the semester, the student will have developed the following competencies:

  • Reflexive and analytical skills (participant-observation and non-participant observation, reading);
  • Technical skills (academic writing, oral presentations, selection of appropriate information, organizing the research results);
  • Relational skills (civic learning within the community and with colleagues);
  • Creative skills (designing a project).


Full Professor
Director, Global Education Office. PhD in Political Science, University of Connecticut. In 2019 appointed as Senior Fellow at the University of California…