Luísa Santos Silva

Assistant Professor


Ph.D in Culture Studies by the Humboldt & Viadrina School of Governance, in Berlin, and M.A. in Curating Contemporary Art by the Royal College of Art, in London, Luísa Santos is Assistant Researcher, in Culture Studies / Artistic Studies, since 2019. Between 2016 and 2019, she was Assistant Professor, with a Gulbenkian Professorship, at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa. She is a research fellow at The European School of Governance (EUSG), in Berlin, since 2019. In 2013 she conducted research in curatorial practices at the Konstfack, in Stockholm. Researcher at the CECC, she is the coordinator of the 4Cs: from Conflict to Conviviality through Creativity and Culture. Luísa Santos sits in the editorial and scientific boards of the peer-reviewed magazines Estúdio, Gama, and Croma and of the Yearbook of Moving Image Studies (YoMIS - Research Group Moving Image Kiel), Büchner-Verlag. Luísa Santos also collaborates in the Arts-based participatory research approach: Potential for exploring Asian-Canadian youth identities through an intersectionality lens, a research project coordinated at the York University. Her main areas of research are contemporary art and social systems. She has authored various publications in the domains of art and society. 


Ano Sabático

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2024.

Ana Perez Quiroga - de que casa eres?

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2023.

Ana Pérez-Quiroga - de que casa eres?

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2023.

Can I ask you something? Ana Pérez-Quiroga

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2023.

Dream speakers

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2023. Dream Speakers, Lisboa, Portugal, 28/10/23

Francisco Vidal - (micro e contra) narrativas

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2023.

Human-kind, Monica Mindless

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2023.

Imagi(ni)ng to transgress

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2023.

LANDRA, the great succession

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2023.

Mónica Capucho - (another) art history

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2023. Stolen Books

Mónica Capucho - concrete reality

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2023.

Monica Mindelis - Duplex

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2023.

Mumu LP vol. 4

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2023.

Museum-ing: towards an imagi(ni)ng of new narratives

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2023. STEDELIJK STUDIES JOURNAL

Pedro Pires - a vida longa das linhas rectas

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2023.

Proposals for (an) art world(s) - 3 manifestos

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2023.

Sinfonia de Vapor


Tara Faheti, from the lips to the moon

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2023.

The Listening Biennial

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2023.

Thinking about the future of Africa, René Tavares

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2023.


Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2023.


Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2022.

Ana Catarina Fragoso, Sangue

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2022.

Ballistics of a sneeze: Miguel Palma

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2022.

Between oceans and wounds: notes on anthropophagic contemporary artistic practices

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2022. Espace
Book Chapter

Calls for listening – a tribute to untold micro-narratives

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2022. The Listening Biennial - reader

CAM em movimento

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2022. Contemporânea

cultures of silence

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2022. Routledge

MACE — colecção António Cachola quinze anos atos de colecionar, atos [coletivos] de [poder] mudar

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2022. Contemporânea

Miguel Palma, Balística de um espirro

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2022.
Book Chapter

O silêncio das micro-narrativas nas instituições artísticas do Século XXI

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2022. A história na era da (des)informação

Preface – telling a story of silence(s) in three parts

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2022.

Prémio Novos Artistas 2022

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2022. MAAT: Fundação EDP

Prémio novos artistas Fundação EDP 2022

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2022.
Book Chapter

René Tavares, estado novo do atlântico

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2022. Prémio Novos Artistas 2022
Book Chapter

Rita Ferreira, double-blind

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2022. Prémio Novos Artistas 2022

Seres imaginários

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2022.
Book Chapter

"The Power of Silence: Ahmet Ögüt’s The Silent University (2012–Ongoing)"

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2021. Persinger, Cindy, Rejaie, Azar (Eds.) (2021). Socially Engaged Art History and Beyond Alternative Approaches to the Theory and Practice of Art History


Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2021.
Book Chapter


Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2021. Socially engaged art history and beyond : alternative approaches to the theory and practice of art history

4CS handbook colophon

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2021.

A liberdade é a coisa mais cara da vida (freedom is the most expensive thing in life)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2021. INYI Journal

À volta da viagem

Luísa Santos Silva & Marília dos Santos Lopes (with Marília dos Santos Lopes). 2021. stolen books

Ângela Ferreira - Talk Tower for Forough Farrokhzad

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2021. CECC

Colunas de ar

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2021.
Book Chapter

Curadoria, cuidado cultural, arte

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2021. A sociedade do cuidado: cuidar do outro, de si e do mundo no século XXI

Editorial. In and out of the museum: new destinations of the moving image

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2021. The Garage Journal

Moving image and the museum: speculative spaces in 3 acts

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2021. The Garage Journal


Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2021.
Book Chapter

Narratives of mutability and (ex)change: a series of tales by René Tavares

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2021. Atlantica: contemporary art from Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, São Tomé and Principe and their Diasporas

politics of silence

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2021. CECC

Por ser a terra muito calmosa

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2021.

Por Ser A Terra Muito Calmosa, Rouzbeh Akhbari

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2021.

Rita GT: cum laude

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2021. Contemporânea

Silence in pieces: 4 acts, exhibition's catalogue

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2021.

Strikes of networks of (ex)change(s)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2021. Academia Letters

Talk tower for Forrough Forrokhzad

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2021.

The fold(s)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2021.

The fold(s). A Cartography of (Un)Belonging - Mónica de Miranda

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2021.

The fold(s). An unfolding vision - Rouzbeh Akhbari

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2021.

The fold(s). Pangaea - Joana Patrão

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2021.

The fold(s). Pangaea - Joana Patrão

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2021.

The politics of silence

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2021.
Book Chapter

War on images: the art of provoking (re)actions

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Cristina Pires Cachola). 2021. Negotiations of migration: reexamining the Past and Present in Contemporary Europe

4 + 4 proposals for making sense of today's convivial cultures

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2020. CECC

4 + 4 proposals for making sense of today's convivial cultures, exhibition 4Cs online platform

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2020.
Book Chapter

Areia Líquida

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Fabíola Maurício). 2020. Areia Líquida

Bio-Rhythm Inês Norton

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2020.

Céu de sal, sal da terra

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2020.

I have never seen a (2017 Brandenburgo - 2020 Lisboa), Tatiana Macedo

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2020.

L(Azul)I #002FA7, Nithya Iyer

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2020.

Lake Georgia Alice Reflection, Alice Geirinhas

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2020.

Silence in pieces

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2020.

Silence in pieces: 4 acts

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2020. CECC

Talk tower for Forough Forrokhzad

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2020.
Book Chapter

War on Images

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2020. Cultural Negotiations of Displacements - Migration and Difference in Contemporary Literature and Arts.

(Euro)políticas: fotografia contemporânea depois de 1999

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2019.


Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2019.

(Euro)politics: contemporary photography after 1999 (exhibition's catalogue)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2019.

1919, Rita GT

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2019.

2 anos e meio

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2019.

2 anos e meio (exhibition's catalogue)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2019.

2 anos e meio, Balcony Gallery (exhibition)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2019.

A montanha que também era de ferro, Ana Catarina Fragoso

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2019.

Artifício, Maria Tabulo

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2019.

AVISO Nuno Nunes-Ferreira

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2019.

I have never seen a (2017 Brandenburgo - 2020 Lisboa), Tatiana Macedo

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2019.

portions of share

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2019.

Portions of share, exhibition and film programme (artistic direction of mediation lab of the 4Cs)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2019.

Quebra gesso, Ana Vidigal

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2019.

Raree Show, Rodrigo Vila

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2019.

Toda a matéria...

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Fabíola Maurício). 2019.

Uma obra polémica, Nuno Nunes-Ferreira

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2019.

uncanny river

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2019.

Uncanny River (The Crossing)

Luísa Santos Silva & Peter Hanenberg (with João Biscainho). 2019. Coleção Cultura@Católica

Uncanny river (the crossing) - João Biscainho

Peter Hanenberg & Luísa Santos Silva (with João Biscainho). 2019. Documenta

13 shots – Aimée Zito Lema.

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2018.
Book Chapter

13 Shots: Image, latency, performativity

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2018. Conviviality and the Institutional
Book Chapter

Ai Weiwei: grafting as a documentary tactic in art

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2018. Critical distance in documentary media

Aimée Zito Lema, 13 shots, Gulbenkian Museum

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2018.

Artivism = Capital

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2018. Contemporânea
Book Chapter

Ballets Russes: no limite da arte e da vida

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2018. Os Ballets Russes: Modernidade após Diaghilev

Conviviality and the Institutional, conference's publication

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2018. Conviviality and the Institutional, conference's publication

Conviviality and the Institutional.

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2018. CECC

Lisbon Blues, Marilá Dardot

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Fabíola Maurício). 2018.

Miguel Palma, A-Z

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2018.

Miguel Palma, A-Z (exhibition's publication)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2018.

Miguel Palma, A-Z, MAAT

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2018.

Multidisciplinarity: projects for social change in art and culture

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2018. Taylor and Francis AS

Multidisciplinarity: Projects for Social Change in Art and Culture. London: Routledge.

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2018. Routledge


Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2018.
Book Chapter

on conviviality – editorial

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2018. Conviviality and the Institutional
Book Chapter

Soará a silêncio o som de uma revolução dentro de um bunker? O poder da (i)materialidade na arte contemporânea

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2018. Património Cultural e Transformação Digital

Tension and Conflict. Video art after 2008, MAAT

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2018.

Tension and Conflict. Video art after 2008, MAAT

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2018. Assírio e Alvim

“New Mediation Practices as a trope for Social Change. The cases of Tate Modern, Tensta Konsthall and Clark House Initiative

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2018. Muséologies Les cahiers d études supérieures

5/5: 5 artists, 5 project rooms, exhibition Carpe Diem Arte e Pesquisa + UCP campus

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2017.

5/5: 5 artists, 5 project rooms, exhibition's publication

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2017.

A Arte só existe com revoluções

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2017. – Arte Pública na Era da Criatividade Digital. Atas do Colóquio Internacional 2017. Public Art in the Digital Creativity Era. International Conference Proceedings 2017

A dictionary of the revolution

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2017.

A dictionary of the revolution, Amira Hanafi

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2017.

Curating the University: Overlapping problems and solutions

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2017. Wrong Wrong
Book Chapter

Imergir para Emergir

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2017. PEC - Emerge

João Paulo Queiroz: Desenhos, 2005-2016. Acalmar a natureza inquieta do lugar

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2017. ESTUDIO
Book Chapter

João Paulo Queiroz: Desenhos, 2005-2016. Acalmar a natureza inquieta do lugar

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2017. Cem vezes uma árvore. Pintura

Miguel Palma A-Z.

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2017.

Tension and Conflict. Video Art after 2008.

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2017. Assírio e Alvim

5/5: 5 artists, 5 project rooms

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2016.
Opinion article

Breviário do Quotidiano #8

Luísa Santos Silva 2016. Arquivo Municipal Fotográfico de Lisboa

Breviário do Quotidiano #8, Lisboa, Ana Pérez-Quiroga

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2016.

CreArt - Notes on Tomorrow collective exhibition in Norway, Lithuania, and Portugal

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2016.

CreArt - Notes on Tomorrow exhibition's publication

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2016.
Opinion article

Dias a Fio

Luísa Santos Silva 2016. Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa

Dias a Fio – João Paulo Queiroz

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2016.

Notes on Tomorrow

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2016.

Poetics of Space

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2016.

Poetics of Space, exhibition at 3+1 Gallery

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2016.
Opinion article

Poetics of Space: Teresa Braula Reis and Gregor Graf

Luísa Santos Silva 2016. Galeria 3+1

Poetics of Space: Teresa Braula Reis and Gregor Graf (exhibition's publication)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2016.

They are these or they maybe others

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2016.

“Breviário do Quotidiano #8” - Ana Pérez Quiroga. Os regimes acumulativos dos objetos e as suas determinantes.

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2016.

“Breviário do Quotidiano #8”, exhibition at Arquivo Municipal Fotográfico

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2016.

Anatomia da Palavra

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2015. ANOZERO ’15: um lance de dados.

Anozero: Bienal de Arte Contemporânea de Coimbra

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2015.

Anozero: Bienal de Arte Contemporânea de Coimbra (exhibition catalogue)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2015.

Art, Cultural Studies and Project Management in a multidisciplinary approach for social change

Luísa Santos Silva 2015. Humboldt & Viadrina School of Governance


Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2015. ANOZERO ’15: um lance de dados.

bienal anozero 2015

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2015.

Dias a Fio, João Paulo Queiroz.

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2015. Estúdio

Empty Stages

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2015.
Book Chapter


Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2015. ANOZERO ’15: um lance de dados.

Link / Colectiva (exposição colectiva na anozero 2015)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2015.
Opinion article

Looking for something

Luísa Santos Silva 2015. Fundação D. Luís I

Multidisciplinarity for Social Change in Art and Culture.

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2015. Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt an der Oder
Book Chapter

Notas sobre a construção do tempo

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2015. ANOZERO ’15: um lance de dados.
Book Chapter

Notas sobre a construção do tempo

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2015. ANOZERO ’15: um lance de dados.
Opinion article

O que faz um Prémio: O Prémio Novos Artistas Fundação EDP

Luísa Santos Silva 2015. Fundação EDP
Book Chapter

O que faz um Prémio: O Prémio Novos Artistas Fundação EDP

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2015. Prémio Novos Artistas, 10 anos
Book Chapter

O que faz um prémio?

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2015. Prémio Novos Artistas EDP
Book Chapter

sempre uma coisa a seguir à outra

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2015. ANOZERO ’15: um lance de dados.

Sempre uma coisa a seguir à outra / Colectiva (exposição colectiva na anozero 2015)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2015.

The grass is always greener...

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2015.
Opinion article

They are these or they maybe others

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2015. Lisbon: 3+1
Book Chapter

tirado do sério

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2015. ANOZERO ’15: um lance de dados.

Tirado do sério / João Pedro Trindade

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2015.

Uma linha dividida em duas partes

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2015.
Opinion article

Daqui parece uma montanha

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2014. Museu Calouste Gulbenkian

Daqui parece uma montanha,

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2014.

do outro lado da montanha, exhibition centro arte moderna, Gulbenkian foundation

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2014.

do outro lado da montanha, exhibition's publication

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2014.

Procesos circulares

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2014.

Project Morrinho, fighting the grand-narrative of the favela

Luísa Santos Silva 2014. Seismopolite Journal of Arts and Politics

Project Morrinho, fighting the grand-narrative of the favela

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2014. Seismopolite
Book Chapter

Public Art Projects - Towards a Critical Discourse on Urban Aesthetics

Luísa Santos Silva 2014. Lisbon Street Art & Urban Creativity International Conference Book

Public Art Projects - Towards a Critical Discourse on Urban Aesthetics

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2014. Lisbon Street Art & Urban Creativity International Conference
Opinion article

The grass is always greener

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2014. Museum of Contemporary Art

The grass is always greener... (Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2014.

The grass is always greener... exhibition's publication

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2014.

toque de midas

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2014.
Book Chapter

Grey Matter(s)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2013. In Grey Matter – Miguel Palma
Book Chapter

Grey Matter(s)

Luísa Santos Silva 2013. In Grey Matter – Miguel Palma

Miguel Palma - Milagre Técnico

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2013.

milagre técnico

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2013.

milagre técnico (exhibition at Instituto Superior Técnico)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2013.

milagre técnico (exhibition's publication)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2013. Instituto Superior Técnico

Petrit Halilaj, Poisoned by men in need of some love. An exhibition of stories telling the History of a country

Luísa Santos Silva 2013. Estúdio

Petrit Halilaj, Poisoned by men in need of some love: uma exposição de histórias que contam a história de um País

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2013. Estúdio
Book Chapter

Projecto Morrinho, Projecto Remix e Projecto EVA Bairro 6 de Maio

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2013. DESIGN: FBAUL2013

There is no knife without roses

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2013.

There’s no knife without roses (conference's publication)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2013.

There’s no knife without roses (conference's publication)

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2013.
Book Chapter

“(Não Tão) Pequenas Revelaçções: Projecto Morrinho, Projecto Remix e Projecto EVA Bairro 6 de Maio

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2013. DES/GN:FBAUL2013
Book Chapter

“(Não Tão) Pequenas Revelaçções: Projecto Morrinho, Projecto Remix e Projecto EVA Bairro 6 de Maio

Luísa Santos Silva 2013. DES/GN:FBAUL2013

Air Print for Containers

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2012.

Air Print for Containers, Liverpool Biennial

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2012.


Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2012.


Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2012.
Book Chapter

Project Morrinho, a brief history

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2012. TV Morrinho 2001-2012
Book Chapter

The invisible cities of Francesco Pignatelli

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2012. Francesco Pignatelli – Osservatorio
Book Chapter

The invisible cities of Francesco Pignatelli

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2012. Francesco Pignatelli – Osservatorio
Opinion article

There is no knife without roses

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2012. Tensta Konsthall
Opinion article

A arte contemporânea como cavalo de tróia numa sociedade de massas

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2011. Outdoors

Rita GT, 1919

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2010.
Book Chapter

Cristopher Thomas Allen, Dialog

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2009. Biennale Cuvée 2009
Book Chapter

Kijong Zin CNN, 2007

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2009. Biennale Cuvée 2009
Book Chapter

Kuswidananto a.k.a. Jompet Java’s Machine: Phantasmagoria, 2008”

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2009. Biennale Cuvée 2009
Book Chapter

Renata Lucas, Barulho de Fundo

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2009. Biennale Cuvée 2009
Book Chapter

Shilpa Gupta in our times

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2009. Biennale Cuvée 2009
Book Chapter

Constructing Realities, Combining Media

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2008. Royal College of Art Photography 2008
Book Chapter

Marcel van Eeden, an anti-diary

Luísa Santos Silva (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2008. of this tale I cannot guarantee a single word...
Book Chapter

Marcel van Eeden, an anti-diary

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2008. Of this tale I cannot guarantee a single word,

Of this tale I cannot guarantee a single word

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2008.

of this tale I cannot guarantee a single word... exhibition at the royal college of art

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). 2008.

The legacy of Conceptualism in Contemporary Art

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2008. Royal College of Art

An A-Z of Doubts

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2007.

Chelpa Ferro, Poltergeist

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2007.

Gesture: Object and Subject

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2007.

Pawell Althamer with Polly Stapler

Luísa Santos Silva (with Santos, Luisa). 2007.

Contemporary cultural tools for identities in the Making

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). Routledge Studies in Material Culture and Politics
Book Chapter

Imaginar para transgredir / Imagi(ni)ng to transgress

Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). Imaginar para transgredir


Luísa Santos Silva (with Luísa Santos). STEDELIJK STUDIES JOURNAL