
2 ECTS / Semester / English

The secondment is a period for professional development via a practical experience in a cultural institution. The aims include: to introduce the student to the understanding of the different levels of meaning, at conceptual and practical levels, of artistic, museological, curatorial, and instititutional practices; articulation between theory and practice; understanding and development of applied research.

Competences: The secondment activities are also designed to develop students’ ability to: understand and apply concepts of cultural, artistic, and curatorial practices; apply theory in practical projects; capacity to conceptualize, and assist in the development and implementation of a cultural projects or programme with all the practicalities that such processes imply; write well and independently about cultural and artistic production; perform independent research on a chosen subject.


Assistant Professor
Ph.D in Culture Studies by the Humboldt & Viadrina School of Governance, in Berlin, and M.A. in Curating Contemporary Art by the Royal College of Art, in…