
With a Sociology and Planning degree and a Master in Planning and Evaluating Development Processes, both from ISCTE, developed all of his professional activity in the social intervention sphere in multiple intervention contexts and very different publics, either for social economy organizations or the Public Sector.

In his Public Sector work helped to design and implemented several Public policies aiming to tackle poverty and social exclusion in Portugal. In 2006 created his own company where he works as a consultant and trainer in areas ranging from strategic and operational planning to evaluation, social innovation or social impact, either for the Central or Local Government or NGOs, in Portugal and Internationally.

At this moment he’s a PhD Student in Communication Sciences at the Catholic University and by doing so developing another of his áreas of interess connecting the use of visual narratives to NGO communication strategies.

In his vast professional background he was very actively involved in professional networks in his áreas of expertise, like the European Evaluation Society from witch he was a Board. He is also the co-author of three books about planning and evaluation and maintains a very intense and rich activity across the social intervention field.