On 26 and 27 June 2023, Universidade Católica Portuguesa will host the international conference "Translation and the News: state of the art, dialogues, reflections".
The fundamental aim of the event is to enquire into the various intersections that can arise from putting journalism and translation studies in dialogue, thus contributing to the development of a subarea of both translation and journalism studies which has still room to explore. Journalistic translation opens up new research avenues concerning both news and translation. However, while translation studies’ scholars have initiated a discussion around translation practices in the news, journalism studies have not yet addressed the relevance of translation as a key practice in news writing.
Scholars from the two main fields, journalism and translation, are invited to contribute to the discussion. Proposals should be sent to translationnews2023@gmail.com no later than 10 March 2023 (for further details, please consult the call for papers under "Learn More").
All those interested in presenting a paper or just participating in the event should enroll via the webform, available at: https://fch.lisboa.ucp.pt/translation-and-the-news