Roberta Frontini

Assistant Professor


PhD in Psychology with an European Doctorate in the Interuniversity Doctoral Programme in Psychology, specialising in Clinical Psychology - Family Psychology and Family Interventions from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra and the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon, she is a clinical psychologist at the Red Cross Hospital in Lisbon. She was a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Maia and a Visiting Adjunct Professor at the Polytechnic of Leiria. She has been involved in various research centres over the years and was a doctoral researcher hired by the University of Aveiro.

She is chair of the ethics committee at the Cruz Vermelha Hospital, Associate Editor of the BMC Psychology journal. She is the author of several publications in indexed journals and has supervised several master's theses over the years.


An Analog Game-Based Intervention and a Playability Analysis in the Elderly - A Pilot Study

Roberta Frontini (with Dara Pincegher). 2023. International Journal of Games and Social Impact

Motivation and anxiety during the second COVID-19 lockdown in gym exercisers: The mediating role of affects and satisfaction with life

Roberta Frontini (with R. Antunes). 2023. Current Psychology

Physiotherapy students’ perceptions of ageing – Playing narratives as a pedagogical innovation

Roberta Frontini (with Marlene Rosa). 2023. Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología

RespirArFundo: Um programa de promoção de exercício físico em professores e funcionários em contexto escolar - Estudo quantitativo e qualitativo

Roberta Frontini (with Sara Brito). 2023. Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte

The Effects of Physical Activity, Exercise, and Sports Programs on Depressive Symptoms in Individuals with Disabilities: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis

Roberta Frontini (with Miguel Jacinto). 2023. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

A narrative exploratory study on the perspectives about physical exercise practise in a sample of Portuguese elderly

Roberta Frontini (with Rosa, M.). 2022. Quality and Quantity

Barriers and Motives for Physical Activity and Sports Practice among Trans People: A Systematic Review

Roberta Frontini (with Joana Oliveira). 2022. Sustainability

Caring for patients with end-stage renal disease during COVID-19 lockdown: What (additional) challenges to family caregivers?

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, H.). 2022. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences

Pre- and Post-Activity Anxiety for Sustainable Rafting

Roberta Frontini (with João Faria). 2022. Sustainability

"The secret questions in a box": What do patients and families really want to know about end-stage renal disease?

Roberta Frontini (with Figueiredo, D.). 2021. World Congress of Nephrology 2021 (WCN'21)

Association Between Food Choices Motivators and Physical Activity in Body Image (dis)Satisfaction in Portuguese Adolescents

Roberta Frontini (with Dias, Sara Simões). 2021. Frontiers in Public Health

Being on hemodialysis during the COVID‐19 outbreak: A mixed‐methods’ study exploring the impacts on dialysis adequacy, analytical data, and patients’ experiences

Roberta Frontini (with Helena Sousa). 2021. Seminars in Dialysis

Body image and well-being in dance practitioners: An exploratory study

Roberta Frontini (with Beatriz Faria). 2021. Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte

Caracterização dos níveis de solidão e sintomas de ansiedade e depressão em idosos durante a pandemia de COVID-19: Resultados preliminares de um projeto de intervenção comunitária.

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2021. III Jornadas de Intervenção Psicossocial na Comunidade: Pensar o idoso e o envelhecimento. JIPC2021.

Caring for patients with end-stage renal-disease during COVID-19 lockdown: What (additional) challenges to family caregivers?

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2021. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences

Depressive Symptoms and Burnout in Football Players: A Systematic Review

Roberta Frontini (with Hugo Sarmento). 2021. Brain Sciences

Determinantes e barreiras para a prática de exercício físico entre idosos sedentários – Um estudo exploratório qualitativo

Roberta Frontini (with Ruben Coelho). 2021. III Jornadas de Intervenção Psicossocial na Comunidade: Pensar o idoso e o envelhecimento. JIPC2021.

Determinantes para a prática de exercício físico entre adultos mais velhos integrados num programa de exercício – Um estudo exploratório qualitativo.

Roberta Frontini (with Ruben Coelho). 2021. III Jornadas de Intervenção Psicossocial na Comunidade: Pensar o idoso e o envelhecimento. JIPC2021.

Effects of Exercise Programs on Anxiety in Individuals with Disabilities: A Systematic Review with a Meta-Analysis

Roberta Frontini (with Miguel Jacinto). 2021. Healthcare

Fatores Motivacionais em Desporto de Natureza entre Praticantes e não Praticantes de Exercício Físico

Roberta Frontini (with Marta Almeida). 2021. Journal of Sport Pedagogy and Research

Higher Physical Activity Levels May Help Buffer the Negative Psychological Consequences of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2021. Frontiers in Psychology

Intradialytic exercise in end-stage renal disease: An umbrella review of systematic reviews and/or meta-analytical studies

Roberta Frontini (with Daiana Cristine Bündchen). 2021. Clinical Rehabilitation

Museu na aldeia: Projecto comunitário onde arte e cultura combatem isolamento social e solidão em idosos

Roberta Frontini (with Lina Tábuas-Pereira). 2021. III Jornadas de Intervenção Psicossocial na Comunidade: Pensar o idoso e o envelhecimento. JIPC2021.

Passion, grit, and mindset in undergraduate sport sciences students

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2021. New Ideas In Psychology

Relationship between body image and motivation in dancers

Roberta Frontini (with Beatriz Faria). 2021. I Congresso Internacional do CIEQV

The relationship between anxiety levels, sleep, and physical activity during COVID-19 lockdown: An exploratory study

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2021. Frontiers in Psychology

Undergoing hemodialysis during COVID-19 lockdown: Exploring patients' and family caregivers' experiences.

Roberta Frontini (with Figueiredo, D.). 2021. World Congress of Nephrology 2021 (WCN'21)

“Working while on dialysis”: Exploring unmet needs of active workers with end-stage renal disease.

Roberta Frontini (with Amado, L.). 2021. EDTNA/ERCA Spring Virtual Seminar

“Together We Stand”: A Pilot Study Exploring the Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Effects of a Family-Based Psychoeducational Intervention for Patients on Hemodialysis and Their Family Caregivers

Roberta Frontini (with Helena Sousa). 2021. Healthcare

“What do we fear the most?”: Exploring fears and concerns of patients, family members and dyads in end‐stage renal disease

Roberta Frontini (with Roberta Frontini). 2021. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences

Comparison of motivational factors between the practice of sports of nature, competitive adventure and leisure

Roberta Frontini (with Brandão, A.). 2020. SPORT TK: Revista Euroamericana de Ciencias del Deporte

Comparison of motivational factors between the practice of sports of nature, competitive adventure and leisure,Comparación de factores motivacionales entre la práctica de deportes de naturaleza, aventura competitiva y ocio

Roberta Frontini (with Brandão, A.). 2020. Sport TK

Comparison of the physical profile of male and female athletes of obstacle races

Roberta Frontini (with Baptista, J.). 2020. SPORT TK: Revista Euroamericana de Ciencias del Deporte

Comparison of the physical profile of male and female athletes of obstacle races,Comparación del perfil físico de atletas masculinos y femeninos de carreras de obstáculos

Roberta Frontini (with Baptista, J.). 2020. Sport TK

Designing a mobile app to promote healthy behaviors and prevent obesity: Analysis of adolescents’ preferences

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2020. Informatics for Health and Social Care

Designing a mobile app to promote healthy behaviors and prevent obesity: analysis of adolescents’ preferences

Roberta Frontini (with R. Frontini). 2020. Informatics for Health and Social Care

Exploring Lifestyle Habits, Physical Activity, Anxiety and Basic Psychological Needs in a Sample of Portuguese Adults during COVID-19

Roberta Frontini (with Raul Antunes). 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Glicémia pré-treino em praticantes regulares de exercício físico em ginásios: Um estudo exploratório

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2020. 16º Congresso Português de Diabetes

Levels of anxiety during COVID-19 pandemic: An exploratory study.

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2020. XXI Jornadas da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia do Desporto
Book Chapter

O que motiva a prática de exercício físico em ginásios e a prática de desportos de natureza e aventura? Um estudo comparativo.

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2020. Atividade Física, Lazer e Saúde - Perspetivas e Desafios de Investigação

Physical activity and mental health in Covid-19 times: an editorial

Roberta Frontini (with Antunes, R.). 2020. Sleep Medicine
Book Chapter

Plataforma interativa interdisciplinar para promoção de comportamentos saudáveis e prevenção do sedentarismo e da obesidade (Teenpower)

Roberta Frontini (with Rui Paulo). 2020. Desenvolvimento do Desporto e Qualidade de Vida – Ensino, Investigação e Intervenção


Roberta Frontini (with FIGUEIREDO, D.). 2020. Kidney International Reports

Understanding passion, grit, and mindset in Portuguese undergraduate sport sciences students

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2020. XXI Jornadas da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia do Desporto

Understanding physical activity, anxiety, and basic psychological needs during COVID-19 pandemic

Roberta Frontini (with Antunes, R.). 2020. XXI Jornadas da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia do Desporto

Variations of stress levels of elite volleyball players: within-week changes and comparisons between periods of the season

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2020. XXI Jornadas da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia do Desporto
Book Chapter

A importância das relações interpessoais na promoção de comportamentos saudáveis

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2019. Tecnologia & Inovação na promoção de comportamentos saudáveis em adolescentes

A mobile-based food diversity monitoring system for promoting healthy dietary habits (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting 2019)

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P). 2019. European Journal of Public Health

A mobile-based monitoring sleep system integrated in a mHealth program (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting 2019)

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2019. European Journal of Public Health

Adolescents’ lifestyle and the influence of their food choices

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2019. 26th European Congress on Obesity

Adolescents’ lifestyle and the influence of their food choices (26th European Congress on Obesity Proceedings)

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2019. Obesity Facts

An mHealth intervention programme to promote healthy behaviours and prevent adolescent obesity (TeenPower): A study protocol

Roberta Frontini (with Pedro Sousa). 2019. Journal of Advanced Nursing

Assessing the impact of strength training in the functional fitness of the elderly

Roberta Frontini (with Salvador, R.). 2019. Medicina dello Sport

Assessing the impact of strength training in the functional fitness of the elderly,Valutazione dell’impatto dell’allenamento di forza nella forma funzionale degli anziani

Roberta Frontini (with Salvador, R.). 2019. Medicina dello Sport

Association between anthropometric measures, physical activity and adolescents’ lifestyle

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2019. 26th European Congress on Obesity

Association between anthropometric measures, physical activity and adolescents’ lifestyle (26th European Congress on Obesity Proceedings)

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2019. Obesity Facts

Comparação de fatores motivacionais para a prática de exercício físico entre praticantes de Pedestrianismo e atletas de Trail Running

Roberta Frontini (with Brandão, A.). 2019. Conferência Geonatura «Destinos de Natureza e Estilos de Vida Saudáveis»

Comparison of motivational factors for the practice of exercise at gyms and nature and adventure sports

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2019. International Seminar of Physical Education, Leisure and Health (SIEFLAS2019)

Comparison of motivational factors for the practice of exercise at gyms and nature and adventure sports

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2019. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise

Dependent person in self-care: analysis of care needs

Roberta Frontini (with Dixe, Maria dos Anjos Coelho Rodrigues). 2019. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences

Exploring healthcare professionals’ acceptance towards ICT-based interventions for health promotion: a mixed-methods approach (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting 2019)

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2019. European Journal of Public Health

Exploring relationships between eHealth literacy, food choices and anthropometric variables among adolescents

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P.). 2019. 26th European Congress on Obesity

Exploring relationships between eHealth literacy, food choices and anthropometric variables among adolescents (26th European Congress on Obesity Proceedings)

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P.). 2019. Obesity Facts

Exploring what motivates the practice of physical exercise in gymnasiums

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2019. 26th European Congress on Obesity
Book Chapter

Gestão do stress na adolescência

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P.). 2019. Tecnologia & Inovação na promoção de comportamentos saudáveis em adolescentes

Implementation of a mobile app (TeenPower) to prevent overweight and obesity: Preliminary results regarding lifestyle and usability

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2019. Procedia Computer Science

Kit TeenPower: e-capacitar os adolescentes para prevenir a obesidade - Guia prático para profissionais de saúde

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P.). 2019.

Motivation between trekking and Trail Running

Roberta Frontini (with Brandão, A.). 2019. Motricidade

Motivation between trekking and Trail Running (Proceedings of the International Congress - CIDESD2019)

Roberta Frontini (with Brandão, A.). 2019. CIDESD (Centro de Investigação em Desporto, Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano) 2019 International Congress

Needs and skills of informal caregivers to care for a dependent person: a cross-sectional study

Roberta Frontini (with Dixe, M. A.). 2019. BMC Geriatrics

Preventing adolescent obesity through an interdisciplinary game-based mhealth system (TeenPower)

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P.). 2019. 26th European Congress on Obesity

Preventing adolescent obesity through an interdisciplinary game-based mhealth system (TeenPower) (26th European Congress on Obesity Proceedings)

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P.). 2019. Obesity Facts


Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2019.

Teenpower: An interdisciplinary game-based mHealth system to empower adolescents towards obesity prevention

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P.). 2019. International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology
Book Chapter

Teenpower: Enquadramento e modelos teóricos de base.

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P.). 2019. Tecnologia & Inovação na promoção de comportamentos saudáveis em adolescentes
Book Chapter

Teenpower: Implementação e resultados iniciais

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P.). 2019. Tecnologia & Inovação na promoção de comportamentos saudáveis em adolescentes

The relationship between eHealth literacy and adolescents’ food choices (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting 2019)

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P). 2019. European Journal of Public Health

Understanding health motives for the practice of physical exercise: exploring the role of age, gender and type of classes

Roberta Frontini (with Salvador, R.). 2019. 26th European Congress on Obesity

Understanding the relationship between adolescents’ eHealth literacy and lifestyle

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P.). 2019. 26th European Congress on Obesity

Understanding the relationship between adolescents’ eHealth literacy and lifestyle (26th European Congress on Obesity Proceedings)

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P.). 2019. Obesity Facts

Assessing digital content in the TeenPower project: Development and validation of a questionnaire.

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2018. 4th Health International Congress of IPLeiria

Assessing digital content in the TeenPower project: development and validation of a questionnaire. (Proceedings of the 4th IPLeiria’s International Health Congress)

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2018. BMC Health Services Research

Assessing digital contents for health promotion and obesity prevention in adolescence

Roberta Frontini (with Luz, R.,). 2018.

Assessing digital contents for health promotion and obesity prevention in adolescence. (Proceedings of the 4th IPLeiria’s International Health Congress)

Roberta Frontini (with Luz, R.,). 2018. BMC Health Services Research

Assessing preferences and features for a mobile app to promote healthy behaviors in adolescence: an exploratory study (Proceedings of the 4th IPLeiria’s International Health Congress)

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P.). 2018. BMC Health Services Research

Assessing preferences and features for a mobile app to promote healthy behaviors in adolescence: An exploratory study.

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P.). 2018. 4th Health International Congress of IPLeiria

Comparação de fatores motivacionais entre a prática do desporto de natureza e aventura competitiva e de lazer.

Roberta Frontini (with Brandão, A.). 2018. 2.º Fórum REDESPP DESPORTO

Creation of the TeenPower website

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2018.

Estudo das associações entre os motivos para a prática de exercício físico em contexto de academias e o índice de massa corporal

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2018. XIX Jornadas da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia do Desporto

Exploratory analysis of the association between motives for the practice of physical exercise and body composition. (Proceedings of the 4th IPLeiria’s International Health Congress)

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2018. BMC Health Services Research

Nutritional Behaviours of Portuguese Adolescents Integrated in an E-Health Intervention Program (TeenPower).

Roberta Frontini (with Luís Luiís). 2018. 3rd International Conference Biomedical and Social Sciences: Education, Research and Innovation 2018

Planning a health promotion program: Mobile app gamification as a tool to engage adolescents

Roberta Frontini (with Pernencar, C.). 2018. Procedia Computer Science

Tecnologias mobile na promoção da saúde: Abordagens teóricas do projeto TeenPower

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2018. VII Conferência Internacional Investigação, Práticas e Contextos em Educação


Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2018.


Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2018.


Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2018.

Teenpower: An interdisciplinary game-based mHealth system to empower adolescents towards obesity prevention

Roberta Frontini (with Sousa, P.). 2018. Academics World International Conference

Family cohesion and psychopathological symptoms in pediatric obesity: Is there an indirect effect?

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2017. Children's Health Care

Individual and familial adaptation to paediatric overweight and obesity: A study with parents, children and adolescents

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2017. Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação; Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Psicologia

Living with Pediatric Obesity: Individual and familial adaptation

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2017. CIOI – International Conference on Childhood Obesity

Paediatric overweight and obesity: Individual and familial adaptation of parents, children and adolescents

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2017. PsihD – I Mostra de Doutoramento em Psicologia

The Indirect Effect of Family Cohesion on Children’s Weight Status Through Maternal Quality of Life and Children’s Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms

Roberta Frontini (with Roberta Frontini). 2017. Child & Youth Care Forum

A imagem corporal das crianças: Dicas para a família

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2016.

Adaptação Psicossocial na Obesidade Pediátrica: Um Estudo com Pais, Crianças e Adolescentes

Roberta Frontini 2016. Psychology, Community & Health

Body shame and quality of life in children and adolescents with obesity: the moderating role of psychological inflexibility

Roberta Frontini (with Gouveia, M. J.). 2016. II International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents

Escola de Verão: Exercício, Alimentação e Saúde para Crianças dos 6 aos 12 Anos de Idade

Roberta Frontini (with Vasquinhas, M.). 2016. XVI Jornadas Cientificas & I Internacionais da Delegação Centro da Fundação Portuguesa de Cardiologia

Exploring the relationship between family cohesion and children/adolescents’ psychopathology in paediatric obesity: The role of body esteem and social life

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2016. 20º Congresso Português de Obesidade

Exploring the relationship between family cohesion and children/adolescents’ psychopathology in paediatric obesity: The role of body esteem and social life

Roberta Frontini 2016. Revista Portuguesa de Cirurgia

Imagem corporal e qualidade de vida na obesidade pediátrica

Roberta Frontini 2016. Psicologia, Saúde, & Doenças

Insatisfação com a imagem corporal e qualidade de vida de crianças e adolescentes com peso normal e obesidade

Roberta Frontini (with Gouveia, M. J.). 2016. 11º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde: “Desafios da Psicologia da Saúde num mundo em mudança”

Parenting Stress and Quality of Life in Pediatric Obesity: The Mediating Role of Parenting Styles

Roberta Frontini 2016. Journal of Child and Family Studies

Quality of life and psychological functioning in pediatric obesity: the role of body image dissatisfaction between girls and boys of different ages

Roberta Frontini 2016. Quality of Life Research

Determinants of television viewing and eating behaviours in 11-12 year old children

Roberta Frontini (with Pearson, N.). 2015. International Congress on Obesity and Binge Eating (ICOBE)

Escola de Verão: Exercício, alimentação e saúde

Roberta Frontini (with Vasquinhas, M.). 2015.

Exploring pathways to pediatric obesity: Indirect effect of family cohesion on weight through parental quality of life and children’s psychopathology.

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2015. 17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology

Exploring pathways to pediatric obesity: Indirect effect of family cohesion on weight through parental quality of life and children’s psychopathology

Roberta Frontini 2015. 17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology

Psychopathological symptoms as mediators of the relationship between family cohesion and child weight status

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2015. International Congress on Obesity and Binge Eating (ICOBE)

The association between psychological inflexibility and internalizing problems in pediatric obesity: The mediating role of body shame.

Roberta Frontini (with Moreira, H.). 2015. International Congress on Obesity and Binge Eating (ICOBE)

The role of parental influences on children’s television viewing and diet

Roberta Frontini (with Pearson, N.). 2015. International Congress on Obesity and Binge Eating (ICOBE)

Escola de Verão: Exercício, Alimentação, Saúde

Roberta Frontini (with Carvalhas, A.). 2014. Revista Portuguesa de Cirurgia

Escola de Verão: Exercício, Alimentação, Saúde

Roberta Frontini (with Carvalhas, A.). 2014.

Parental attachment, parenting stress, and children’s quality of life in paediatric diabetes

Roberta Frontini (with Moreira, H.). 2014. Second International Paediatric Psychology, Conference in Europe

Quality of life, parenting stress and parenting styles in pediatric obesity: A study with children/adolescents and their mothers

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2014.

Caring for a child with type 1 diabetes: Links between family cohesion, perceived impact and parental adjustment

Roberta Frontini 2013. Journal of Family Psychology

CV de Vittorio Vezzetti no âmbito da Conferência promovida pela Associação portuguesa para a igualdade parental e direitos dos filhos

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2013.

Differences and commonalities in the adaptation of parents and their children with and without chronic conditions: assessing outcomes and linking parents and their children's quality of life. (Work presented at the Psychosomatic assessment and integr...

Roberta Frontini (with Moreira, H.). 2013. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics

Family Cohesion and Health-Related Quality of Life of Children with Type 1 Diabetes: The Mediating Role of Parental Adjustment

Roberta Frontini 2013. Journal of Child and Family Studies

Guarda partilhada: O interesse da criança nas diferentes estruturas familiares

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2013.

Health-related Quality of Life (HrQoL) and psychopathology in pediatric obesity: An exploratory study

Roberta Frontini 2013. Obesity Facts

Health-related Quality of life (HrQoL) and psychopathology in pediatric obesity: An exploratory study

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2013. ECO 2013 - European Congress on Obesity

Psychological and Quality of Life Outcomes in Pediatric Populations: A Parent-Child Perspective

Roberta Frontini (with Moreira, Helena). 2013. The Journal of Pediatrics

Psychological and quality of life outcomes in pediatric populations: A parent-child perspective

Roberta Frontini 2013. Journal of Pediatrics

Psychosocial adjustment in pediatric obesity: The role of body image dissatisfaction.

Roberta Frontini (with Gouveia, M. J). 2013. Junior Researcher Programme Conference 2013

Psychosomatic Assessment and Integrative Care: 22nd World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine Lisboa, September 12¿14, 2013

Roberta Frontini 2013. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics

Health-Related Quality of Life and its Correlates in Children with Cerebral Palsy: An Exploratory Study

Roberta Frontini 2012. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities

Parenting stress and family environment among parents of children with diabetes: Links with children´s psychopathology.

Roberta Frontini (with Moreira, H.). 2012. EABCT 2012 Meeting

Qualidade de vida e seus correlatos em crianças com paralisia cerebral: Um estudo exploratório.

Roberta Frontini (with Crespo C.). 2012. Psicologia, Saúde e Doenças
Book Chapter

Tempos e Afectos: para um paradigma ecossistémico da construção de projectos

Roberta Frontini (with Santos, E. J. R.). 2012. Mudanças e Transições Pessoas em Contextos

The association between the parents’ emotional distress and the health-related quality of life of youths with type 1 diabetes: Is the parents’ perception of the social and familial impact of the illness a relevant mediator?

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2012. ISOQOL 19th Annual Conference - International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL)

The moderating effect of gender in the association between prosocial behavior and quality of life among children and adolescents with diabetes and epilepsy

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2012. EABCT 2012 Meeting

Quality of Life and its Correlates in Children with Cerebral Palsy: An Exploratory Study

Roberta Frontini 2011. Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado não publicada apresentada à Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra.

Quality of life and its correlates in children with cerebral palsy: An exploratory study

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2011. Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação

A visão transdiagnóstica nas perturbações alimentares

Roberta Frontini (with Frontini, R.). 2010. Iªs Jornadas de Iniciação à Investigação em Psicologia