Filipa Barros has a PhD in Psychology (University of Aveiro) and is currently a guest Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Catholic University of Portugal, and a researcher at the Católica Research Center for Psychological, Family and Social Wellbeing (CRC-W). She is also a collaborator member of the William James Center for Research (Social Cognition and Body Odors Team). Her main research interests include the study of social cognition processes, emotional processing, and visual/olfactory processing in the general population and in the autism spectrum. She has scientific publications in the areas of emotions, autism, and human olfaction.
Currently, she is also a mediator for school success in the project "Mediators for School Success", developed by the Associação Empresários pela Inclusão Social (EPIS) and implemented in schools of Ovar through a partnership between EPIS and the Ovar municipality. Member of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists since 2017, she also works as a clinical psychologist in private context.