

DIFFRACTIONS is an online, peer reviewed and open access graduate journal for the study of culture. The journal is published bi-annually under the editorial direction of graduate students in the doctoral program in Culture Studies of the Lisbon Consortium, at Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

The fundamental goal is to constitute a platform where graduate students and other young researchers can showcase their current research as well as reviews of the latest books of interest in the field. The scope of the journal is interdisciplinary and transcultural.

DIFFRACTIONS aims at publishing innovative and critical scholarly work at the intersection of disciplinary fields and make it accessible and available to the international community.


  • Commitment towards an interdisciplinary, historically and theoretically informed research in the study of culture;
  • Openness to new research domains and theoretical proposals to provide an innovative forum for the discussion of new trends in the field;
  • An international outlook that fosters global transfer of knowledge between different national and research cultures;
  • Dedication to a rigorous peer review process in order to encourage interdisciplinary research and to guarantee a credible venue for new researchers.


More information about the journal is available on the DIFFRACTIONS website, where you can also find open calls, submission guidelines, the current and the past issues.

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