Antonela Pereira Jesus

Assistant Professor


PhD in Social Work from ISCTE-IUL, since 2018/2019 she has been an Invited Lecturer in the Bachelor and Master degrees of Social Work at the Faculty of Human Sciences (UCP - Lisbon). Member of the Cross-national Social Work and social innovation platform project, integrated in the CRC-W: Católica Research Center for Psychological, Family and Social Wellbeing. Founding member of the Nucleus of Doctoral Students in Latin American Social Work (NUDLA). Researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL) between 2014 and 2019.

Main areas of research: Social Work, Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation, with publications about such areas/themes.

With professional experience in the fields of special education, employment and social entrepreneurship.


Resiliência dos alunos do curso de Serviço Social: que significados?

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2020. II Congresso Ibérico de Resiliência e Bem-Estar

Social Innovation & Social Work: The effects of political guidelines for professional training and practice

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2020. ISIRC, The International Social Innovation Research Conference
Book Chapter

The commitment of the human relationship in an intercultural world versus the instrumentalization of professional practices. Urgencies and challenges

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2020. Social Work, Human Rights and Intercultural Relations. Universidade Católica Editora, Lisboa

Como nos (re)ajustamos às diretrizes políticas numa sociedade em mudança? Potencialidades e limites do Empreendedorismo (Social) para o Serviço Social

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2019. 5º Congresso Internacional de Serviço Social: Horizontes de mudança: tendências e práticas do Serviço Social

De um Estado Social Ativo à «propaganda» do Empreendedorismo: efeitos de uma individuação das políticas sociais. Que desafios ao Serviço Social?

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2019. ESPANET, The European Network for Social Policy Analysis

For the Social Work perspetive, what are the potentialities of the entrepreneurship and innovation to social responses in the context of structural problems?

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2019. EASSW Conference: Meanings of Quality of Social Work Education in a Changing Europe

How do we adapt to policy guidelines in a changing society? Entrepreneurship’ limits and potentials for social work

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2019. ECSWR 2019

Qualifying for Innovation in Social Work. Limits and potential of entrepreneurship as a strategy of social integration

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2019. EASSW Conference: Meanings of Quality of Social Work Education in a Changing Europe

Direitos Humanos, justiça social e diversidade: potencialidades e constrangimentos para o Serviço Social na Europa e na América Latina

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2018. X International Social Work Seminar “Social Work Facing Human Rights Challenge in Times of Uncertainty

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Social Work of the 21st Century: potentialities and limites

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2018. SWSD 2018 – Social Work, Education and Social Development Conference

Inovação em Serviço Social: potencialidades e constrangimentos do empreendedorismo (social) como estratégia do assistente social

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2018. X International Social Work Seminar “Social Work Facing Human Rights Challenge in Times of Uncertainty

Pais empreendedores e trajetória acadêmica dos filhos universitários: uma abordagem comparativa Portugal-Brasil

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2018. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work

Inovação e Empreendedorismo no Serviço Social do Séc. XXI

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2017. Seminário Internacional de Serviço Social: Tradição e Inovação de um campo em mudança

Inovação e empreendedorismo no Serviço Social do Século XXI: Limites e Potencialidades

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2017. IX International Seminar, CEDH-UCP

The relation role in the cooperation to scientific knowledge production in Social Work. The Luso-Brazilian experience in the University Institute of Lisbon PhD Social Work Programme


The relationship in the cooperation for Social Work's knowledge production. The Luso-Brazilian experience in the University Institute of Lisbon PhD Social Work Programme

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2017. EUROPEAN CONFERENCE EASSW-UNAFORIS 2017

A Dignidade Humana e o Direito de todos os povos: Um desafio do Serviço Social Contemporâneo na Europa e na América Latina

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2016. XV Encontro Nacional de Pesquisadoras(es) em Serviço Social

Social Work and social entrepreneurship: a new framework for practice

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2016. 6th European Conference for Social Work Research

Social Work and social entrepreneurship: a new framework for practice

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2016. Ciência Viva 2016

O papel do Empreendedorismo Social no Terceiro Setor

Antonela Pereira Jesus 2014. 2ª Edição do EEG - Research Day

O papel do empreendedorismo social no terceiro setor : uma nova solução no domínio da Alzheimer na Região Autónoma da Madeira?