FCH student nominated for European Commission journalism prize

Wednesday, October 28, 2020 - 10:23

Miguel Cunha dos Santos, a 3rd year student of the Undergraduate Program in Social and Cultural Communication Studies at FCH, was nominated for the “Fernando de Sousa” journalism prize, from European Commission. His story, published in Espalha-Factos, reached a place among the best works in the "student" category. 

Lux Film Prize: estará a política assim tão desligada do cinema?“ was the name of the story written in Strasbourg, in the European Parliament, in November 2019. It follows the 2019 Lux Film Prize and reflects on the relation between politics and European cinema.

Created in 2016 by the Representation of the European Commission in Portugal, this award aims to honor the professionalism of journalist Fernando de Sousa, who have made a notable contribution to clarify important issues at European level and have promoted a better understanding of the European Union’s institutions and policies in Portugal.