InterCECCtions: Meet and greet

Thursday, September 28, 2023 - 17:00
InterCECCtions-meet and greet set2023

Meet and Greet! InterCECCtions is back!

For the first session of the year, we will hear from the editorial team of the graduate journal Diffractions and open the floor for discussion of any topics researchers would like to discuss, including ideas for future sessions.

Graduate students and researchers in Communication Sciences, Cultural Studies and Translation Studies are especially invited to join us. We recall that these meetings are meant to provide an informal space to share ongoing research projects and challenges, get feedback, exchange ideas, and find opportunities for collaboration.

This first meeting of InterCECCtions will take place on September 28 at 17:00, in room Sociedade Científica (UCP, Lisbon campus, library building).