Isabel Capeloa Gil

Full Professor


Full Professor of Culture Studies and the current Rector of UCP – Catholic University of Portugal. She holds a B.A. in Modern Languages and Literatures from the University of Lisbon (1987), and an M.A. in German Studies from the same university (1992), as well as a PhD in German Language and Culture from UCP (2001). She was Guest Professor in Germany (Saarbruecken, Munich), United Kingdom, Ireland (National University of Ireland), Italy (Univ. Ca Foscari, Venice), in Brasil (PUC-Rio) and in the USA (U. Pennsilvania and U. Stanford). She is furthermore an Honorary Fellow at the School of Advanced Studies of the University of London. From 2005 to 2012 she was the Dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences at the UCP. She has held numerous visiting professorships at universities in the U.S., Germany, Brazil, Italy, Ireland and Wales. She was a founder of The Lisbon Consortium network and leads the International Doctoral Degree Program in Culture Studies. She is also a senior researcher and founder of the Research Centre for Communication and Culture.
Book Chapter

Memória, Identidade e Direitos Humanos

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Maria de Oliveira Capeloa Gil). 2024. Imaginar o passado, projetar o presente, reconstruir o future
Book Chapter

Theory in a Post-Theoretical World. Beyoncé and the Afterlife of Over Her Dead Body

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). 2023. Figures of Pathos
Book Chapter

Women’s leadership and catholic universities. A survey of the international federation

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Maria de Oliveira Capeloa Gil). 2022. More women’s leadership for a better world: care as a driver for our common home

Imagens póstumas

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). 2020. UCE
Book Chapter

The global eye or Foucault rewired: security, control, and scholarship in the twenty-first century

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Gil, Isabel Capeloa). 2020.
Book Chapter


Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Maria de Oliveira Capeloa Gil). 2018. Repetition, recurrence, returns: how cultural renewal works

A verdade no concreto

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Francisco Papa). 2018. Universidade Católica Editora
Book Chapter

From Siegfried Kracauer to Busby Berkeley

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2018. Ornamental Bodies in 1930’s. Film
Book Chapter

From Siegfried Kracauer to Busby Berkeley

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2018. Sexualität und Widerstand: Internationale Filmkulturen
Book Chapter

From Siegfried Kracauer to Busby Berkeley: ornamental bodies in 1930’s film

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Maria de Oliveira Capeloa Gil). 2018. Sexualität und widerstand: internationale filmkulturen
Book Chapter

How identity guides international partnerships and positioning. Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2018. Identity and internationalization in Catholic Universities
Book Chapter

Lex fugit: on acts of legibIlity

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Maria de Oliveira Capeloa Gil). 2018. Legibility in the age of signs and machines

The Balletts Russes: Modern Times After Diaghilev

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2018. Documenta
Book Chapter

Celluloid consensus: a comparative approach to film in Portugal during World War II

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Maria de Oliveira Capeloa Gil). 2017. The Routledge Companion to Iberian studies

Correspondência entre Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht e Isabel Capeloa Gil

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). 2017. UCE
Book Chapter

Intense and Conflictual. Cultural Work in the 21st century

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2017. Tensão e Conflito
Book Chapter

Intenso e em conflito. O trabalho cultural no século XXI

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Maria de Oliveira Capeloa Gil). 2017. Tensão & conflito: arte em vídeo após 2008

The Sovereign’s Broken Voice: On the Cinematic Politics of Representation

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). 2017. Narrative(s) in Conflict
Book Chapter

"(In)Visible Theory. Paul Auster as Cultural Critic"

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2016. Raconter la théorie
Book Chapter

"Moda, Família e Cultura Visual"

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2016. Família: Essência e Multidisciplinaridade
Book Chapter

(In)visible theory. Paul Auster and the artist as cultural critic.

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Maria de Oliveira Capeloa Gil). 2016. Theorie erzählen
Book Chapter


Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Maria de Oliveira Capeloa Gil). 2016. Família: essência e multidisciplinaridade

Fragile matters: Literature and the scene of torture

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Gil, I.C.). 2016. New German Critique

Humanidade(s), Considerações Radicalmente Contemporâneas


Humanidade(s): considerações radicalmente contemporâneas

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Maria de Oliveira Capeloa Gil). 2016. Universidade Católica Editora

Infâmia e fama : o mistério dos primeiros retratos fotográficos judiciários em Portugal : 1869-1895

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Sá, Leonor Maria de Amorim e). 2016.

Matters of culture

Isabel Capeloa Gil & Peter Hanenberg (with Hanenberg, Peter). 2016. CECC - Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura

Riddles... Or Oedipus Lack

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Gil, Isabel Capeloa). 2016.

The Sovereign’s Broken Voice. On the Cinematic Politics of Representation

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). 2016. Mediations of Disruption in Post-Conflict Cinema
Book Chapter

"Shooting Stars"

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2015. Conflito e Trauma,

(E)Spectating disaster: A cultural condition

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Gil, I.C.). 2015. Hazardous Future: Disaster, Representation and the Assessment of Risk

A representação de África através da literatura de viagens europeia e norte-americana de 1958 a 2002

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Ribeiro, António Pinto da Silva). 2015.

Der literarische Europa-Diskurs: Festschrift für Paul Michael Lützeler zum 70. Geburtstag Hrsg. by Peter Hanenberg und Isabel Capeloa Gil

Isabel Capeloa Gil & Peter Hanenberg (with Ana Foteva). 2015. Journal of Austrian Studies
Book Chapter

Die Heimkehr. Visuelle Kultur und Praktiken des Erinnerns im post-revolutionären Portugal

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Maria de Oliveira Capeloa Gil). 2015. Die Nelkenrevolution und ihre Folgen.: der portugiesische 25. April 1974 in Literatur und Medien
Book Chapter

Die Heimkehr.Visuelle Kultur und Praktiken des Erinnerns im post-revolutionären Portugal

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2015. Die Nelkenrevolution und ihre Folgen. Der portugiesische 25. April 1974 in Literatur und Medien
Book Chapter

Die schwierige Schwere von WG Sebalds Europa

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2015. Der literarische Europa-Diskurs

Hazardous future: Disaster, representation and the assessment of risk

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Gil, I.C.). 2015. Hazardous Future: Disaster, Representation and the Assessment of Risk


Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Gil, I.C.). 2015. The Cultural Life of Money

Introduction-hazardous future: Images and perceptions of disaster and the assessment of risk

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Gil, I.C.). 2015. Hazardous Future: Disaster, Representation and the Assessment of Risk
Book Chapter

Shooting stars

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Maria de Oliveira Capeloa Gil). 2015. XVI Colóquio de Outono: conflito e trauma

The cultural life of money

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Gil, I.G.). 2015. The Cultural Life of Money

Diálogos singulares

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Gil, Isabel Capeloa). 2014.
Book Chapter

O Silêncio de Alcmena

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2014. Mulheres: Feminino Plural
Book Chapter

Shaking Ground. On the hermeneutics of trembling

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2014. Unsicherheit/Uncertainty/HEOΠPEĦEΠEHHOCTb KAK BbI3OB,

Visual Recall in the Present: Critical Nostalgia and the Memory of Empire in Portuguese Culture

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). 2014. From Literature to Cultural Literacy

Von der Semiologie zur 'visuellen Literalität'?

Book Chapter

'Odeia o teu próximo!’ Considerações sobre o inimigo interno em No Vale de Elah de Paul Haggis

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2013. A Representação da Violência e a Violência da Representação
Book Chapter

A Visualidade Traumática da memória na cultura portuguesa contemporânea

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2013. Entdeckungen und Utopien
Book Chapter

Excitable Speech - – Performanz und Überschreitung in Arthur Schnitzlers Reigen

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2013. Aquele século teve muitas heroínas. Festschrift für Fátima Viegas Brauer-Figueiredo

Framing war : domesticity and the visuality of conflict

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). 2013. Narr Verlag

“Framing War. Domesticity and the Visuality of Conflict”,

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2013. SPELL
Book Chapter

Amores Aziagos. Sobre Literatura e Ciência

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2012. Ciência e Cultura: Ficionalizações da Ciência na Grã-Bretanha

Cosmopolitismo e diálogo religioso

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Gil, Isabel Capeloa). 2012.
Book Chapter

Eine Kultur der Geselligkeit

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2012. Die Lust an der Kultur. Transdisziplinaere Interventionen

Monks, managers, and celebrities: Refiguring the European University

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Gil, I.C.). 2012. Making the University Matter
Book Chapter

Olhando as memórias dos outros

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2012. Imagem e Memória

Plots of War: Modern Narratives of Conflict

Book Chapter

Szenen der Stille. Ueber die Performativitaet des Ungeschehenen

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2012. Aufbrueche. Performanz und Performativitaet

The Visual Literacy of Disaster in Ernst Jünger's Photo Books


This Is


)“Fuss-Karrieren: Der Schuh von Baudelaire bis Warhol” ,

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2011. Paragrana. Zeitschrift für historische Anthropologie

A Cultura Portuguesa no Divã


A question of scale? Lázló Almásy's desert mapping and its postcolonial rewriting

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). 2011. Journal of Romance Studies

A Question of Scale? Lázló László Almásy's Desert Mapping and Its Postcolonial Rewriting


Fluid Cartographies-New Modernities Special Issue


Fuss-Karrieren: Der Schuh von Baudelaire bis Warhol

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2011. Paragrana. Zeitschrift für historische Anthropologie

Introduction: modernity's fluid cartographies

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). 2011. Journal of Romance Studies

Literacia Visual. Estudos sobre a Inquietude das Imagens

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2011. Edições 70

Recensão a: Gil, Isabel Capeloa; Pimentel, Manuel Cândido - Simone de Beauvoir: olhares sobre a mulher e o feminino

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Magda Guadalupe dos Santos). 2011. Humanitas

Savages and neurotics: Freud and the Colonial School

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). 2011. Journal of Romance Studies
Book Chapter

Stars vor dem Erschiessungskommando. Remediationen der Weiblichkeit im Ersten Weltkrieg

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2011. Kulturanalyse im zentraleuropäischen Kontext

Fleeting, Floating, Flowing, Water Writing and Modernity

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2010. Koenigshausen & Neumann


Peter Hanenberg & Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Peter Hanenberg). 2010. Peter Lang


Isabel Capeloa Gil 2010. Revista de Comunicação e Cultura

Rahmenwechsel Kulturwissenschaften

Peter Hanenberg & Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). 2010. Koenigshausen & Neumann

Simone de Beauvoir. Olhares Sobre a Mulher e o Feminino

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2010. Nova Vega

The Visuality of Catastrophe in Ernst Jünger's Der gefährliche Augenblick and Die veränderte Welt

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). 2010. KulturPoetik
Opinion article

O que significa Estudos de Cultura? Um diagnóstico cosmopolita sobre o caso da Cultura Alemã”,

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2009. Revista de Comunicação e Cultura

When the Woman Returns: Re-Visions of Homecoming in Postwar American Film


Identidade Europeia/Identidades na Europa

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2008. UCEditora

Liberdade e Compromisso. Estudos de Homenagem a Mário de Campos Pinto Vol I.


A Tangled Web: ideas, images, symbols

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Faria, Luísa Leal de). 2007. Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL/ULICES)

Hydrography and the Anxiety of the Sea: The Nautical Chart as a Cultural Model


Mitografias. Figurações de Antígona, Cassandra e Medeia no Drama de Expressão Alemã do Século XX,

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2007. Imprensa Nacional, Casa da Moeda

Paisagens em ruínas: a modernidade distópica no cinema americano do pós-guerra

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). 2007. Utopias & Distopias

Poéticas da Navegação

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2007. UCEditora

Terrores nocturnos: a noite e a estética noir em Edgar Allan Poe

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Gil, Isabel Capeloa). 2007.

'Jede Frau ist eine Tänzerin …': The Gender of Dance in Weimar Culture


Espectros literários: Perdição de Hélia Correia

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). 2006. Furor: ensaios sobre a obra dramática de Hélia Correia

Modernidade e cruzamento de saberes: figuras da modernidade

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). 2006. Universidade Católica Editora

'Arms and the Woman I Sing …': The Woman Warrior Reloading the Can


O Colorido da Diferença

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2005. Uceditora

Landscapes of Memory

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2004. UCeditora

Atribulações do oráculo moderno. Cassandra na cultura alemã do século XX

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Gil, Isabel Capeloa). 2003.

Atribulações do oráculo moderno: Cassandra na cultura alemã do século XX

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Gil, Isabel Capeloa). 2003.

Língua e contemporaneidade: agumas notas sobre tradução e cultura alemã

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Gil, Isabel Capeloa). 2003.

Contradições Electivas

Isabel Capeloa Gil 2001. Colibri

Antigone and Cassandra: Gender and nationalism in German literature

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Gil, I.C.). 2000. Orbis Litterarum

Poiesis, Tanz und Repräsen-Tanz: Zu Hugo von Hofmannsthals Ariadne auf Naxos


3.2 Von der Semiologie zur ‚visuellen Literalität‘?

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). Handbuch Literatur & Visuelle Kultur

Gil, Isabel Capeloa (coord.), Identidade Europeia: identidades na Europa


Literacia Visual


O igual e o diferente: essência, devir e representação de identidades. Leitura da revista Comunicação & Cultura, n.º 1 – A cor dos media, dirigida por Isabel Capeloa Gil (Lisboa, Quimera, 2006)

Isabel Capeloa Gil Comunicação e Sociedade

Plots of War


Smuggling Lust. On the Cultural Re-turn of Luxury

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). Socioaesthetics

The Visual Literacy of Disaster in Ernst Jünger’s Photo Books

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with ISABEL CAPELOA GIL). The Cultural Life of Catastrophes and Crises

This Is (Not) It: Rate, Rattle and Roll in the Struggle for Financial Narratives

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with ISABEL CAPELOA GIL). Turning Points

„La destruction fut ma Béatrice ...“ W. G. Sebalds Poetik der Zerstörung als konstruktives Gedächtnis

Isabel Capeloa Gil (with Isabel Capeloa Gil). Kulturelles Gedächtnis und interkulturelle Rezeption im europäischen Kontext