Curatorial Practices

6 ECTS / Semester / English

Learning outcomes: introduce the student to the understanding of the different levels of meaning, at conceptual and practical levels, of curating contemporary art whilst developing the ability to critically reflect on the historical, social and ethical contexts when creating and implementing a curatorial project or programme.

Competences: understand the concept of curating contemporary art; identify and discuss various parameters in curating; develop a well grounded understanding and creative approaches in curatorial practices; capacity to conceptualize, develop and implement a curatorial project or programme with all the practicalities that such a
process implies; write well and independently about contemporary art; acknowledge the relevance of mediation and its different levels in curatorial practices; develop an original curatorial project or programme and present it visually, orally and in writing.


Assistant Professor
Ph.D in Culture Studies by the Humboldt & Viadrina School of Governance, in Berlin, and M.A. in Curating Contemporary Art by the Royal College of Art, in…