Leonor Sá, Lisbon Consortium Alumna and CECC - Research Centre for Communication and Culture Collaborator, received an Honorable Mention concerning the 'Prize of the Grémio Literário 2018', by the book "Infamy and fame: the mystery of the first judicial portraits in Portugal 1869" - edited by Edições 70 in 2018. The work in question is her PhD thesis, which was oriented by Professor Isabel Capeloa Gil, Rector of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
In the award-winning book, Leonor Sá takes a historical and unprecedented approach to the forensic portrait in its relation with investigation and criminal identification, from two photographic albums containing the oldest Portuguese judicial portraits that have survived to this day.
The prize-giving session will be held at the Grémio Literário, on April 18 at 7:00 p.m., along with the commemoration of the institution's 173rd anniversary.