Constança Melícias

Constança Melícias

"I chose the PPE degree because during secondary school the subjects I liked the most were Philosophy and Mathematics. My experience of this degree has been very good, all lectures are excellent and it is possible to establish a good relationship with the faculty, which is something that does not happen in many other universities. In addition, I think that the curricular plan is very well structured and allows us to develop in-depth knowledge in each area.
I am very confident about the possibilities that the PPE degree will bring for my future. The interest on the part of companies and NGOs is already noticeable, because at an international level, PPE is a highly regarded degree. I believe from the moment we graduate, there will be great opportunities in wait. Personally, I have already had the opportunity to work at a conference organized by the UN. When I interviewed for the job, I was asked if I studied Law or Political Science. When I replied that I was studying PPE, the interview panel were very curious and immediately told me that this would undoubtedly be an asset to the team."

Diogo Martins - PPE

Diogo Martins

“After attending another degree, I felt the need to find a degree that would bring together several areas I am interested in, namely Politics and Economics. I believe that one of the advantages of this degree is the fact that we benefit from learning from lecturers from different areas, which means we are constantly faced with real life issues. In addition, we have the opportunity to come into contact with several nationally and internationally renowned experts in the various areas of study, who lead classes on current topics. Without a doubt, these activities greatly enrich our training.”

Gabriel Valente

Gabriel Valente

“Universidade Católica Portuguesa has always been first on my list of possible choices for Higher Education. Since it was recognised, in recent years, as the best University in the country, when I was in secondary education I began to take a special interest in its degrees and, after much research – accompanied by many doubts – I found certainty in FCH, in the PPE course.

I was particularly captivated by PPE, as I have always been curious about the challenges thrown up by society. The curricular plan for this degree not only offers a philosophical and political viewpoint, but also an economic view of the world. Therefore, I recognised that PPE would afford me the possibility of finding the interconnections necessary for the change that the world demands.”

José Neves - PPE

José Maria Neves

“The choice of degree happened very naturally. It is my goal to one day become an Ambassador, representing and elevating the name of our country. This is the most important State position abroad, and for this reason it requires not only mastery of political issues, but also critical thinking and an in-depth knowledge of our economy. As such, this program is the perfect choice for anyone looking to understand the interconnection between these three disciplines and how they shape our political, social and economic systems. I believe that the combination of Philosophy, Politics and Economics will bring me a more comprehensive understanding of the world and will be a good first step on the way to my goal.”

Maria Ferreira Pinto - PPE

Maria Ferreira Pinto

“I chose this degree because it covers three aspects that interested me a lot; Philosophy, Politics and Economics. As for the choice of university, I thought this was the best option, given that UCP-FCH is a pioneer in the introduction of PPE in Portugal. What I value very much in this degree is the fact that it has an interdisciplinary curriculum and prepares students for three different areas that are very interconnected in their practice. I feel that this degree offers us a wide variety of academic skills that will best prepare me for my professional career in any of these areas.”

Vera Teixeira

Vera Teixeira

"Escolhi a Licenciatura em Filosofia, Política e Economia pois abrange as três áreas de estudo que sempre me despertaram mais interesse. Acredito que todos os conhecimentos que vou adquirir no curso vão permitir-me encarar o mundo e qualquer desafio profissional de uma maneira multidisciplinar muito valiosa para o meu futuro." 


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