European Integration

6 ECTS / Semester / Portuguese, English


To acquire knowledge about Europe and the process of European integration;
To capacitate students to critically analyse the on-going processes of European integration as well as the current challenges facing the European Union (EU) and its economy(ies) and society(ies).
To equip students with the necessary basis and instruments for understanding European (economic) governance, explaining how Europe is governed without a government and how its institutions and policies function.

Note: please see also the “learning objectives” spelled out in the course textbook for each chapter.


Associate Professor
Invited Associate Professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences (FCH) of Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP). She is currently teaching ‘European Integration…
Associate Professor
Invited Associate Professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences (FCH) of Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP). He is currently teaching ‘European Integration…