Francisco Torres

Associate Professor


Invited Associate Professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences (FCH) of Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP). He is currently teaching ‘European Integration’ at FCH and ‘The Political Economy European Integration’ at Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics. Previously, he taught at the Department of Economics, FCH/UCP, the National Institute for Public Administration (Programme Chair) and the U. Aveiro (Visiting Associate Professor) and was Executive and Deputy Director of the European Studies Centre/Institute of UCP (1991-98), where he also coordinated the Master’s Program and the Centre´s/Institute’s Research. He has held positions at the London School of Economics (2014-19) and Oxford University (2012-2019), where he was also PEFM Associate and Santander Fellow. Furthermore, he was a Researcher in Economics at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence (PhD programme, 1986-89), having become the 1st Robert Schuman Fellow of the European Commission at CEPS in Brussels in 1989/90, returning later on to the EUI as a Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. He has also taught at the U. of Victoria, Canada, the U. of Rome II (Tor Vergata) and King’s College London. He has published numerous journal articles and (co-)authored and (co-)edited 15 books on Economic Policy, Political Economy and European Integration. He holds an MA in International Affairs from the Johns Hopkins University (SAIS), an MRes in Economics from U. Nova, Lisbon, and a PhD in European Political Economy (European Studies – Economics) from U. Católica, Lisbon, and has held a 1-year post-doctoral fellowship at Oxford University.


Lessons on the Political Economy of European Integration – Selected Topics

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, Annette). 2024. UCP Press
Book Chapter

EU Governance and Trade Dynamics in the Context of Globalization Challenges

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Francisco Torres). 2023. Globalization and EU Trade Policy at the Time of Crises
Book Chapter

On Governance and Sustainability Challenges for EU Trade Policy

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2023. Globalization and EU Trade Policy at the Time of Crises
Book Chapter


Francisco Torres (with Miguel Lebre de Freitas). 2023. Western Europe 2024
Book Chapter

The European Green Deal at the core of the EU’s and EMU’s sustainability

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2023. The Political Economy of Europe's Future and Identity

The Political Economy of Europe's Future and Identity: Integration in Crisis Mode

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, Annette). 2023. European University Institute Press
Book Chapter

The Qualitative Change in EU Trade in a Weakened Multilateral Trade Order

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Francisco Torres). 2023. Globalization and EU Trade Policy at the Time of Crises: Governance and Sustainability Challenges
Book Chapter

What way forward for European Integration in permanent crisis mode?

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, Annette). 2023. The Political Economy of Europe's Future and Identity: Integration in Crisis Mode
Book Chapter

What way forward for European Integration in permanent crisis mode?

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2023. The Political Economy of Europe's Future and Identity

EU trade dynamics and the European model in the context of new globalization patterns and global governance

Francisco Torres (with Annette Bongardt). 2022. Perspectivas: Journal of Political Science

Lessons on the political economy of european integration

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2022. Universidade Cat{\'o

The European Green Deal: More than an Exit Strategy to the Pandemic Crisis, a Building Block of a Sustainable European Economic Model*

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2022. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies

The EU’s recovery programme implemented under a new policy framework

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, Annette). 2022. Public Policy Portuguese Journal

What have we learned and how is EU trade policy to cope with new challenges?

Francisco Torres (with Annette Bongardt). 2022. Perspectivas: Journal of Political Science

Brexit: EU must protect its own interests,EU muss eigene Interessen wahren: Brexit

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, A.). 2021. Wirtschaftsdienst

Europe’s vaccine paradox

Francisco Torres (with Annette Bongardt). 2021. Intereconomics

After the bailout 10 years of the euro area crisis

Francisco Torres (with Chang, Michele). 2020. Political Economy of Adjustment Throughout and Beyond the Eurozone Crisis: What Have We Learned
Book Chapter


Francisco Torres (with Annette Bongardt). 2020. what have we learnt?
Book Chapter

Brexit as a question of political rationality

Francisco Torres (with Annette Bongardt). 2020. hard choices for the UK, lessons for EU sustainability
Book Chapter


Francisco Torres (with Michele Chang). 2020. the political economy of adjustment
Book Chapter


Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2020. The politics and economics of Brexit
Book Chapter

Introduction ¿ The politics and economics of Brexit

Francisco Torres (with Bongardt, Annette). 2020. The Politics and Economics of Brexit

Lessons From the Coronavirus Crisis for European Integration

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, A.). 2020. Intereconomics
Book Chapter

On the limits of EU differentiated integration

Francisco Torres (with Annette Bongardt). 2020. lessons from the Eurozone crisis and from Brexit

Portugal's adjustment program The run-up to the sovereign debt crisis, program design, implementation and legacy

Francisco Torres (with Torres, Francisco). 2020. Political Economy of Adjustment Throughout and Beyond the Eurozone Crisis: What Have We Learned
Book Chapter

Portugal's adjustment program: the run-up to the sovereign debt crisis, program design, implementation and legacy

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2020. The political economy of adjustment throughout and beyond the Eurozone crisis: what have we learned?
Book Chapter

Portugal: the economy

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Xavier Pablo da Silva Torres). 2020. Western-Europe 2021

The political economy of adjustment throughout and beyond the eurozone crisis

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2020. Routledge

The politics and economics of Brexit

Francisco Torres (with Annette Bongardt). 2020. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

EU Trade and Regulation: Economic and Political Dynamics

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, Annette). 2019. Notas Económicas
Book Chapter

European Union, global trade and Brexit

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2019. Western Europe 2020

Trade agreements and regional integration The European Union after Brexit

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, Annette). 2019. Handbook of International Trade Agreements: Country, Regional and Global Approaches
Book Chapter

Completing EMU, deepening the EU

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, A.). 2018. Challenges and Opportunities for Eurozone Governance
Book Chapter

European Union international trade and Brexit

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2018. Western Europe 2019

Sobre as fronteiras externas e internas da União Europeia

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2018. Brotéria
Book Chapter

The road towards a genuine economic and monetary union: More competitive and fairer

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, A.). 2018. Competitiveness and Solidarity in the European Union: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Book Chapter

Trade agreements and regional integration: the European Union after Brexit

Francisco Torres (with Annette Gertrud Elisabeth Bongardt). 2018. Handbook of international trade agreements: country, regional and global approaches

What Should Be the EU’s Approach to Global Trade?

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, A.). 2018. Intereconomics
Book Chapter

A qualitative change in the process of European integration

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, A.). 2017. After Brexit: Consequences for the European Union

After the Election: Brexit and the EU,Nach der Wahl: Brexit und die EU

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, A.). 2017. Wirtschaftsdienst


Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Hayes, Kirsty). 2017. Universidade Cat{\'o

Comprehensive Trade Agreements: Conditioning Globalisation or Eroding the European Model?

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, A.). 2017. Intereconomics


Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, A.). 2017. Intereconomics

EMU as a Sustainable Currency Area

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, Annette). 2017. Euro and the Crisis: Perspectives for the Eurozone as a Monetary and Budgetary Union

Sobre a lógica e termos da saída do Reino Unido da União Europeia

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2017. Nação e Defesa
Book Chapter

An 'economics' window on an interdisciplinary crisis

Francisco Torres (with Erik Jones). 2016. Governance of the European Monetary Union: Recasting Political, Fiscal and Financial Integration

Back to external pressure: Policy responses to the financial crisis in Portugal

Francisco Torres (with Torres, F.). 2016. Southern Europe and the Financial Earthquake: Coping with the First Phase of the International Crisis


Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2016. Brotéria

Economic Reform under Europe 2020

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2016. Public Policy Portuguese Journal
Book Chapter

EMU and structural reform

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2016. Europe in crisis
Book Chapter

EMU and sustainable integration

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Iain Begg). 2016. Governance of the European Monetary Union

EMU reform and resilience in a re-dimensioned EU

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, A.). 2016. Politica Economica

Governance of the European Monetary Union

Francisco Torres (with Erik Jones). 2016. Routledge

The EMU's legitimacy and the ECB as a strategic political player in the crisis context

Francisco Torres (with Torres, F.). 2016. Redefining European Economic Governance

The New Institutions for an Effective EU Governance

Francisco Torres (with Andrea Boitani). 2016. Societa Editrice Il Mulino

The political economy of brexit: Why making it easier to leave the club could improve the EU

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, A.). 2016. Intereconomics
Book Chapter

Using interdisciplinary analysis to shape a policy agenda

Francisco Torres (with Erik Jones). 2016. Governance of the European Monetary Union

An ‘Economics’ window on an interdisciplinary crisis

Francisco Torres (with Jones, E.). 2015. Journal of European Integration

EMU and sustainable integration

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Begg, I.). 2015. Journal of European Integration

Using interdisciplinary analysis to shape a policy agenda

Francisco Torres (with Jones, E.). 2015. Journal of European Integration
Book Chapter

Political Economic and Monetary Union: EU and Domestic Constraints

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2014.

Convergence in the EU: Forging sustainable growth: The issue of convergence of preferences and institutions in EMU

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, A.). 2013. Intereconomics
Book Chapter

Economic governance and sustainability

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2013. Mapping European Economic Integration

O Papel da Crise no Processo de Construção Europeia

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2013. Brotéria

Sobre a Contribuição da Teoria das Relações Internacionais para o Processo de Integração Monetária Europeia

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2013. Relações Internacionais

The EMU's Legitimacy and the ECB as a Strategic Political Player in the Crisis Context

Francisco Torres (with Torres, F.). 2013. Journal of European Integration
Book Chapter

The Euro Crisis, Institutional Change and Political Constraints

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2013.

Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development in the EU

Francisco Torres (with Annette Bongardt). 2012. Perspectivas - Portuguese Journal Of Political Science and International Relations

Portugal: a chance to implement previously adopted objectives

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2012. EU Studies Association Review
Book Chapter

The Lisbon Strategy

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2012. The Handbook on the European Union

The competitiveness rationale, sustainable growth and the need for enhanced economic coordination

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, A.). 2010. Intereconomics

Back to external pressure: Policy responses to the financial crisis in Portugal

Francisco Torres (with Torres, F.). 2009. South European Society and Politics
Book Chapter

Comentário ao capítulo de Vítor Gaspar e Miguel St. Aubyn

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2009. Política orçamental, ajustamento ao euro e crescimento em Portugal e Espanha
Book Chapter

Introduction: A European Perspective on Globalization

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2009. Globalization, Development and Integration
Book Chapter

Is the EU Model Viable in a Globalized World?

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2009. Globalization, Development and Integration

The role of preferences and the sustainability of EMU

Francisco Torres (with Torres, F.). 2009. The Future of EMU
Book Chapter

The long road to EMU

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2008. The Economic and Political Reasoning behind Maastricht
Book Chapter

A Convergência para a União Económica e Monetária

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2007. Objectivo nacional ou constrangimento externo?

Dimensão Económica e Social da União

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2007. O Mundo em Português - Revista de assuntos Internacionais

Economic Growth in the EU: Institutions and Governance Issues

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2007. Boletim da Atividade Económica Ministério da Economia e Comércio


Marília dos Santos Lopes & Francisco Torres (with Marília Pereira Lúcio dos Santos Lopes Hanenberg). 2007. Competitiveness Factors

Institutions, governance and economic growth in the EU: Is there a role for the Lisbon strategy?

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Bongardt, A.). 2007. Intereconomics

Is the ¿European Model¿ viable in a globalized world?

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2007.

EMU rules

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2006.
Book Chapter


Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2006.

Is Lisbon Not Delivering?

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2006. EU Studies Association Review
Book Chapter

On the Efficiency-Legitimacy trade-off in EMU

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Xavier Pablo da Silva Torres). 2006. EMU Rules: The Political and Economic Consequences of European Monetary Integration

Portugal and the European Convention

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2006.

The Lisbon Strategy and the European Model

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Annette Bongardt). 2005. Europa Novas Fronteiras
Book Chapter

What Europe?

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2005. Portugal’s adaptation to European Institutional Changes
Book Chapter

EMU and EU Governance

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2004.

Governing EMU

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2004. European University Institute
Book Chapter


Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2004.


Francisco Torres (with Francisco Xavier Pablo da Silva Torres). 2004.

Regional Convergence in Portugal

Francisco Torres & Annette Bongardt (with Francisco Torres). 2004. Instituto Nacional de Administra{\c c

What 'Europe'? Portugal's reactive adaptation to European institutional changes

Francisco Torres (with Torres, F.). 2004. South European Society and Politics

Convergence among EU regions, 1990-2001: Quality of national institutions and "objective 1" status

Francisco Torres (with de Freitas, M.L.). 2003. Intereconomics

Democracia e Governança na UE

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2003. Estratégia

How efficient is joint decision-making in the EU?: Environmental policies and the co-decision procedure

Francisco Torres (with Torres, F.). 2003. Intereconomics
Book Chapter

How will EMU affect Cohesion?

Francisco Torres (with Brian Ardy). 2003. Konvergenz und Divergenz in der Europäischen Union

Novas Dinâmicas da Coesão numa União Alargada com uma Moeda Comum

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2003. Estratégia

As Novas Dinâmicas da Coesão na UEM

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2002. Europa Novas Fronteiras

EMU and Cohesion

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2002. Principia

How will EMU affect cohesion?

Francisco Torres (with Ardy, B.). 2002. Intereconomics

Para Além do Euro

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2002. Estratégia
Book Chapter

Dependência Financeira Externa (Fundos Estruturais)

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2001. Comentário

Governance in the European Union: Regaining Democratic Control

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2001. Europa Novas Fronteiras
Book Chapter

A Integração Monetária e as Opções Políticas de Desenvolvimento na União Europeia

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2000.
Book Chapter

Lessons from Portugal’s Long Transition to Economic and Monetary Union

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 2000.

A Dinâmica das Novas Adesões à UE e as Opções Portuguesas

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1999. Europa Novas Fronteiras
Book Chapter

Os Novos Valores da Coesão na Era da Globalização

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1999.

Sobre a Responsabilização Democrática e a Aproximação das Instituições aos Cidadãos

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1999. Europa Novas Fronteiras
Book Chapter


Francisco Torres (with Erik Jones). 1998. Joining Europe's Monetary Club: The Challenges for Smaller Member States
Book Chapter


Francisco Torres (with Erik Jones). 1998. Joining Europe's Monetary Club: The Challenges for Smaller Member States

Joining Europe's Monetary Club

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1998. St Martin's Press
Book Chapter

Portugal Towards EMU: A Political Economy Perspective

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Xavier Pablo da Silva Torres). 1998. Joining Europe's Monetary Club: The Challenges for Smaller Member States

The Case for Economic and Monetary Union

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1998. Nação e Defesa

The Economic and Political Debate on EMU

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1998. Temas de Integração

Economic and Monetary Union in Europe

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1997. Die Union


Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1997. Europa Novas Fronteiras

O Primado da Política e a CIG 96/97

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1997. Europa Novas Fronteiras

Monetary Reform in Europe

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1996. Universidade Cat{\'o


Francisco Torres (with Francisco Xavier Pablo da Silva Torres). 1996.
Book Chapter

The Political Economy of Monetary Reform in Europe

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1996.
Book Chapter

A Geometria Variável da União Monetária

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1995.
Book Chapter

Portugal and the EMS

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1995. The Politics of Monetary Integration
Book Chapter

The European Periphery

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1994. Portugal

A Atribuição do ‘Nobel’ da Economia 1993 e a Nova Teoria Política da Economia

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1993. Economia

Adjustment and Growth in the European Monetary Union

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1993. Cambridge University Press
Book Chapter

Introduction: Fiscal Policy, Geography and Politics and the Maastricht Treaty

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1993.


Francisco Torres (with Francisco Xavier Pablo da Silva Torres). 1993.

A Single Currency for Europe

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1992. Centre for Economic Policy Research
Book Chapter


Francisco Torres (with Francesco Giavazzi). 1992. A Single Currency for Europe

Politics and Economics

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1992. Economia

The Transition to Economic and Monetary Union in Europe

Francisco Torres (with Francesco Giavazzi). 1992.
Book Chapter

Comments on Membership in the EMS, Free Capital Movements and Economic Development

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1991.
Book Chapter

Interest Differentials, Financial Integration and EMS Shadowing: A Note on Portugal with a Comparison to Spain

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1991.

Atterragio morbido nel 1992

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1990.
Book Chapter

Portugal, the EMS and 1992: stabilization and liberalization

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Xavier Pablo da Silva Torres). 1990. The EMS in the 1990's

Small Countries and External Shocks in Different Exchange Rate Regimes

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1990. Review of Currency Law and International Economics

Soft landing in 1992

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1990. ECU Newsletter

A Interdependência Económica e a Coordenação de Políticas

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1989. Boletim do Conselho Nacional do Plano

Portugal's Monetary Integration into a Changing Europe

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1989. Economia

Portugal, the EMS and 1992

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1989.

Portugal, the EMS and 1992: stabilization and liberalization

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Xavier Pablo da Silva Torres). 1989.

Small countries and exogenous policy shocks

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Xavier Pablo da Silva Torres). 1989.

Sobre a Adesão a uma União Monetária com Liderança e Mobilidade Perfeita de Capitais

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1989. Economia

Duopoly under demand uncertainty

Francisco Torres (with Fernando Manuel dos Santos Vigário Pacheco). 1988.

Some Concepts for Policy Making in Small Open Economies

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1987.

O Desvio Deflacionista na Ausência de Cooperação Internacional em Contexto de Incerteza

Francisco Torres (with Francisco Torres). 1986. Economia