Generic Bio

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Theology, UCP.
She was awarded her doctoral degree in Spiritual Theology by the Faculty of Theology of Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, with her thesis entitled El seguimiento de Jesús como transformación del deseo en Sebastian Moore.
She lectures on the subjects of Spiritual Theology and Systematic Theology.
She also teaches Christianism and Culture in the Faculty of Law and in the Faculty of Human Sciences of UCP.
She has also taught at the University of Saint Joseph – Macau.
She has provided spiritual support to persons and groups, practicing the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius and running colloquiums on themes interrelating with Christian Spirituality since 2001.
She has published various books and delivered papers on the fields to which she dedicates her research.
She has collaborated with the Patriarch of Lisbon on training projects and taught at the Escola de Leigos. She also collaborates with the São Tomás de Aquino Institute of the Portuguese Province of the Order of Preachers.