Responsible for the Radio Communication and Radio Project subjects on the Social and Cultural Communication Studies Degree of the FCH – Faculty of Human Sciences, UCP – the Catholic University of Portugal. He is also responsible for the Content Management and Information unit on the Idefe Post-Graduate Course in Marketing, Communication and Multimedia Management. He also ran the communications program in Lyon, at CREC - Centre de Recherche et d'Education en Communication. Manager at Rádio Renascença, Director of Intervoz and other companies in the Renascença Comunicação Multimédia Group. Author of papers and articles in numerous publications, conferences, seminars and debates about journalism, the new media, new platforms, radio, public service radio and television, the transformation of the communication markets, among many other themes. He has also made various different contributions to newspapers, magazines and television. He was Rádio Renascença Director of Information until 2003, founder and editor of "O Independente" and Assistant Director of "Semanário". A member of CERC – the European Conference of Christian Radios, he was also Director of ACEGE – the Christian Association of Managers and Entrepreneurs and CPMCS – the Portuguese Confederation of Media Outlets. He graduated in Law from the Catholic University of Portugal (1978/1984).