"LEA Translators for Ukraine" was awarded the 2022 European Language Label

Monday, December 19, 2022 - 11:10


The pedagogical project "LEA Translators for Ukraine", developed within the scope of the Undergraduate Program in Applied Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Human Sciences has been awarded the 2022 European Language Label, a competition promoted by the Erasmus+ National Agency.

The service-learning project was developed by teachers Jane Duarte  (Translation of General Texts in English), Joana Moura and Rita Bueno Maia (Translation of Literary Texts in German and French, respectively) in dialogue with Rita Faria (coordinator of the undergraduate program in Applied Foreign Languages) and Adriana Martins (coordinator of the scientific area in Cultural Studies).

The pedagogical initiative aimed at fostering LEA students’ understanding and awareness of languages and translation as teamwork, as a method of understanding and questioning pressing and global issues, and also as a position-taking and differentiating gesture.

More information about the project here.

See the list of awarded projects here.