CECC is proud to announce that one of its researchers, Sophie Pinto, was awarded the 2022 Virgínia Quaresma Prize for best PhD Thesis in Culture Studies, for her thesis Urban Failures & Other Imaginations: Walking, Writing, and Transgressing the Gendered City, undertaken as part of Universidade Católica Portuguesa's PhD programme in Culture Studies, under the supervision of Professors Alexandra Lopes and Mathias Danbolt.
The Virgínia Quaresma International Award in Culture Studies is promoted by Universidade de Aveiro, with the support of the Rede Internacional em Estudos Culturais (RIEC) and the Rede Nacional em Estudos Culturais (RNEC) and has been supported, from its inception, by the Portuguese Direção Regional de Cultura do Centro.
As a result of this award, Sophie Pintos PhD thesis will be published as an ebook.
Further information is available here.