Rebeca Henriques fotografia

Rebeca Henriques

"I am currently fulfilling my dream of attending the Master’s Degree in Translation at FCH-UCP. This Master’s has broadened my horizons on what translation, in fact, is. From the highly qualified and encouraging faculty to the Degree Coordinators that accompany us at every step, this is a programme that trains me to think. The 1st Year is divided between the theoretical component in the 1st semester and the practical component in the 2nd semester. This division allowed me to initially engage with the theory and tools I needed to then begin the practical stage.The curricular unit that the Faculty offers as a complement to the compulsory subjects, namely Research in Translation Studies: Methods, Models and Challenges, is a veritable journey along research routes, which allows us to think, at an early stage, about what we want to achieve in the following year.

The experience of this Master’s is truly unique, as it allows students to be in contact with great names in Translation Studies, grants us the privilege of being at the forefront with regard to new discoveries in this area of study and gives us the opportunity to attend several enriching lectures on Translation. It was the best choice I could have made."


Admissions Office - Masters

Phone: (+351) 217 214 281