Master in Portuguese as a Foreign Language / Second Language

Program Description

The Master’s Degree in Portuguese as a Foreign Language / Second Language contains the following objectives:

  • deepening knowledge and competences in the language in its diversity as an expression of a culturally and geographically extended community, including vehicles such as cinema, literature, etc.;
  • studying the fundamentals of Portuguese as a multicentered language and exploring its dialect and sociolect variants;
  • fostering critical reflection about the place of the Portuguese language in the globalised world;
  • training future instructors in the teaching of Portuguese as a foreign language/second language;
  • nurturing the production of relevant and rigorous knowledge about the Portuguese language understood as a cultural phenomenon and space;
  • providing conceptual, theoretical and methodological instruments in order to ensure students are able to engage in autonomous research in the field of Portuguese as a Foreign Language / Second Language and its teaching.


Admissions Office - Masters

Phone: (+351) 217 214 281