Summary: This project aims to analyze how sandwich generation couples deal with the challenges inherent in their particular life situation, especially when both members of the couple have independent professional careers (dual-career couples) and simultaneously take on the responsibility of caring for their dependents (minor children) and older family members (elderly parents). Some of these couples also face the additional difficulty of living separately (for certain periods) due to work or other commitments, requiring frequent travel to spend time together (commuter couples). Specifically, this study aims to explore and understand: (i) how the perception of personal and professional workload impacts individual careers as well as the couple's relational dynamics, adjustment, and resilience; (ii) how the couple's relationship, in terms of coping, adjustment, and resilience, influences the effective management of all their responsibilities, promoting a healthy balance between family and professional life; (iii) the role of synchrony and connection in the perception of work-life balance, as well as in personal, family, and professional satisfaction and success; (iv) how the dynamics of the couple directly affect career outcomes, including objective success, subjective success, and professional satisfaction; and how couples with independent careers manage work-life balance and advance in their professional trajectories while balancing domestic and professional responsibilities; (v) the distinct challenges faced by couples who live temporarily separated, investigating possible differences between commuter and non-commuter couples; and (vi) the dilemma of dual careers and family responsibilities in the sandwich generation from the perspective of companies, analyzing the strategies currently employed by companies to support these workers.
Something’s Gotta Give: Addressing the dual career and family responsibilities of the sandwich generation
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More Information
Webpage: not yet available
CRC-W participating members: Joana Carneiro Pinto (PI), Augusta Gaspar, Susana Costa Ramalho
Status: Ongoing
Funding: submitted to FCT