InterCECCtions: the mediation of healthy masculinity | fact checking in Portugal

Thursday, May 4, 2023 - 17:00

Universidade Católica Portuguesa | Sala Brasil

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CECC-InterCECCtions 4 maio

The next InterCECCtions will take place on May 4 at 17:00 in Sala Brasil, and will feature two students from the PhD programme in Communication Sciences: Jason Baguia, who will talk about his work in progress titled “Investigating the mediation of healthy masculinity: the case of the website Art of Manliness”, and Luís Rodrigues, who will discuss his dissertation research proposal on fact checking in Portugal. 

As a reminder, InterCECCtions is a monthly research roundtable for the CECC community, particularly graduate students and early career researchers. These meetings aim to provide an informal space for graduate students and CECC researchers to share ongoing research projects and challenges, get feedback and exchange ideas, and find opportunities for collaboration.